And of course the night life/social life out here is amazing. But I can’t knock the West. East Coast also has noticeable accents, which I think is really cool and adds to the culture that the West Coast does not have. That area has a shit load of issues to sort out also. Seriously. You have to carefully time what day or time of day you leave for Seattle or 45 minutes becomes 2.5 hours. Maybe I missed it, but I did NOT see a mention of water temperature! And it usually gets hot pretty much right away (we don’t get much of a spring, in other words). Apartments are expensive and you will find some of the ugliest apartments I have ever seen in the whole country for 1200 dollars. We don’t know what hot sauce is? Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. @Kevin@InvestItWisely I see everyone here saying California is expensive, which is true. You can make all this money but then die and give it to your kids but then there just gonna be rich snobs that move to the west coast anyway! They plan on retiring to Phoenix. You also get the very dry falls and relatively wet winters so the 50 degrees at nights do feel much colder than what the temperature indicates. If you hate driving, don’t choose MA. It's especially evident in NYC where you will see a handful of business men and women employees dressed to the nines in suits and ties getting to work. I’ll visit the Red Wood forests and the beautiful (rarely swimmable) coast line and I’m sure I’ll love it. It’s cheaper to live on the East Coast. Go check a map. Invaded is right! They pay $10K a year in property tax and swallow all the state taxes that are jammed down our throat……it’s quite ridiculous. Way too hot and humid. Origin of spatial variation in US East Coast sea-level trends during 1900–2017, Nature (2018). When you tackle someone it doesn’t hurt as much, you get a much better workout and in the end you have a nice 12 pack sitting next to you on the sidelines, nice and cold for you! I don’t have to pay for the weather and nature. I grew up in NJ, lived a couple years each in Florida, Milwaukee, then settled on the West Coast. I get it. Bumper to bumper the entire way. The West Coast also has a unique nightlife that some East Coast transplants may find surprising — namely the early closing times of bars and clubs. It’s almost a point of pride to treat the customer with disregard or an annoyance – UNLESS OF COURSE you’re paying say $300 or more for a fine dining experience – I guess good service comes at an extraordinary price out here. I’ve often thought about moving back east to be closer to my old friends and family (and where I could afford a nice house for $500k instead of a studio condo) but I just can’t give up my life out here. What is wrong with rain? I grew up in warm weather so…just could never get used to the winters. ;) Btw thanks for loving the west coast so much. In fact if you’re looking for some of the most beautiful landscapes in the country go to Oregon and Washington. -more culture, more arts I was born in New England and grew up in North Carolina, only to return to CT as an adult – leaving my immediately family down South. The people are less filtered , but that’s a quality. Essentially, it is the most incapable Four seasons – as you are getting tired of one, another comes along, and you enjoy the beauty of that season for 3 months…. The “keeping up with the Joneses” phenomenon is very prevelant on the east coast too. Back to the East Coast with SNOW, RAIN, and at last I just finished looking at Portland rents. Although, if I had a nice mansion in Malibu, maybe not, b/c I love the weather and the tranquility. I enjoyed all of your comments about the East Coast vs West Coast. I currently live in Houston, and also lived in Florida for two years. I read all these replies and all I can say is that I relocated to Northern California due to a family situation. I’m an East Coaster and I love the winter. Black Americans out here in DC, especially women, seem to have much bigger chips on their shoulders than I remember their counterparts in San Francisco having. Yeah, greater liberty in the former Capital of the Confederacy–go figure that one. Stock trading and big business comes from the East. None of these things will matter if you or your family get sick. I lived in CA for almost 10 years and you couldn’t pay me to go back. Now, the winters may be harsh (you DO get used to them like you do in New England, takes about a year to acclimate), but, again, due to the year-round wildfire weather in California, I WOULDN’T MIND! There is no public transportation to speak of. What are you supposed to do, change baseball teams just so that you can live a happier life from that point forward? Being single here has been the most depressing experience of my life. There is more to life than Italian food. And I love winter, I love snow and ice and cold, COLD mornings down around zero. It’s hilarious to me – they have no clue. You can keep it I’ll keep the snow over the lack of water and taxes.The houses are so close together you can almost reach out your window and touch the other houses (I’ll keep the cold and all the acres of ground I have). Get to go up for a weekend on the lake, ski some great places, and enjoy the winter. If you like American history at all, this is the place to be. I also felt uncomfortable with the low horizon and all that empty space. But, this is not a post to bash the East Coast. However, I have to admit I’m struggling to find more reasons. Even Florida hasn’t had a hurricane in six years as of 2014. I absolutely love the East Coast! Stuff like “More ambition”, “more competitive drive”, “more willingness” unfortunately doesn’t count as real tangible reasons. =-. And another thing I might ask is if the East Coast is so down to earth than why do so many people here put so much emphasis on having a job (most of the women in my family are like this)? LA is a smoldering garbage dump; SF and Seattle are cool and San Diego is beautiful. The sun is great during the spring and very early fall but a bit hot in the summer. We have a short, yet incredible Summer season. The East will always be home to me. Children have fun playing in the snow, going sledding, ice skating, building snow forts, indoor basketball, etc. Any Michiganders here? Our train system is awful, too- your only option would be driving. The countless beaches some with massive boardwalks stacked with games and food. But this weather, one can only endure it much of the year. 1. I can travel my city without using a drop of gas and get almost anywhere for a few bucks a day. The easy coast offers so much more. Everything is extremely flat, and the closest we get to mountains are a few rolling hills (the Appalachians). The manager supported this, adding “cracker” while telling me to leave. HELP!! 4) Finally, stay on top of your wealth and sign up for Personal Capital’s free financial tools. You are BEYOND pathetic. Google it! You can’t beat Thanksgiving and Christmas on the East Coast. When i needed something yesterday, I would get it next week; people would leave their desks to have hour long lunches(you can’t produce if ur not at your desk); five minutes after the mkts closed the office would literally be empty, even the junior staff would vacate the premises 2min after senior people left! Our East Coast is not my idea of fun. What’s that yellow thing in the sky? – Need some nightlife? Atrocious weather, atrocious roads, obnoxious people, idiotic culture. Unless you have an inheritance from your family or win the lottery – you’ll be renting FOREVER. Pretty but not that special. lifornia. 2 hours to drive 30 miles to Half Moon Bay. I can’t wait to go back to CA after I get my PhD… Thank you for this post, it made me feel good knowing that I’m not the only one who feels this way here…. They actually had to hire crews to clean up needles and human feces off the streets. Stamford, Norwalk, New Haven, Millford, Old Saybrook, Middletown, Hartford area & most all CT towns are good. It’s actually GREEN here. Thank you for this comment. I really wanted to go to Portland and live. I say both coasts have their good and bad. To me, if I were to live in CA, I’d have to be a little inland because the coast is too cold for me. I’ve been to Europe as well, so in other words, I have been around. I got on this thread because my wife and I are thinking of moving to the east coast to buy a nice house with land and raise our kids. Stress thing you talking about my dude stress is everywhere like crime is in every city it’s not due to weather it’s because certain ppl are broke bottom line has nothing to do with weather or whatever your saying. The weather is like this-Monday-Thursday can be sunny but , most of the time, it’s cloudy, overcast and humid as HELL. I weep for all those people who have to come in contact with you, ever, you misogynistic, worthless piece of shit. The camaraderie and energy of the people living there i hate the dry west coast. Chicago and NO are horrible compared to California! *breathing… Breathing…. only the major cities have good mass transport, there is more cancer and winters are depressing and hard on old bones. 2. The sun makes me happier. It’s like the east coast. Two of them were over 30 inches. I hate cold weather, and if the water is freezing cold then what’s the point of living near it? Certainly not a beachfront family-sized house. And my allergies were ten times worse there than they are on the east coast. 1. It was 95 today…ugh…. East Coast has incredible history with museums, music venues, tourist attractions unmatched by anything in the West Coast. Love it and the weather and the amazing amenities. 12. Consistently, Philly and NYC are rated as the “unhappiest cities to live in” in America. They are indigenous to similar climated areas of Mexico…so, besides that, you said it all. NYC still plays up its pizza to distract from the the lackluster state of its ethnic food scene), and an art scene that’s booming and all around creative culture of people doing interesting things even if they’re struggling. The missing link is income. Lol. JUST SPEAKING FOR MD ITS THE RICHEST STATE IN THE USA. Check the latest term life policy rates with PolicyGenius. I grew up in California and moved to Ohio when I was 18 to attend college. Colorado was like a different planet in comparison – genuine warmth and caring neighbors. The public transportation in NJ is phenomenal, much better than most places except NYC. .-= admin´s last blog ..Who Needs A Job When You Have A Private School Degree =-. I guess my main complaint about the east so far is trying to stay awake to watch your Bay Area sports teams when their games don’t start until 10:30 eastern. I’m not even going to start on the traffic. You can get sun,snow,or rain on both coast if you want!!! I’d choose Oregon over California any day for living regardless of the weather and apparently so would many Californians since they’re moving there in hoardes . I never lived on the west, however. The best thing about california is the weather and that’s it….Traffic all the time, smog, stuck up people who think they are better than everyone. To Hell with this crap, I’ve been here 21 years on July 4th and I cannot wait to leave. 99.9% of those born and raised there NEVER call it that. I love the east coast and weather is one of the most beautiful things about it, to me. When I got there I needed a sweater, no joke, but at least we weren’t dying of heat exhaustion. Besides NYC, I love the proximity to other major cities, also — Boston, Baltimore, D.C., Philly are all a reasonable car ride away — and they’re historic. However, they are very snobby about who can go where there. Any rational person would agree that living on the West Coast is better than living on the East Coast. I think both coasts have their pros and cons and I think it’s actually really rewarding being able to live in more than one place in a lifetime. The west coast is still in development and IMO they will always be far behind in terms of infrastructure because of a complete lack of any serious public transportation on a large scale. I’d never go back . You need to ADJUST, people! Do you ever feel that much euphoria over a single day’s weather? ), I say great for the negative comments about California….Keep more people out of my beautiful, sunny state. News Flash! Not sure where you live, but now where I’ve ever been in LA takes 1 hour for 4 miles, not even during rush hour. Related: East Coast Living: Is It Really That Horrendous? I’ve lived in Virginia, Pennsylvania, Vermont, Indiana, Oregon, and Washington. The winters, however, are rainy and overcast as heck. The vibe of people is completely different on east coast everyone’s fast paced and serious! Instead it’s characterized by tacky, swanky and sleazy apartment buildings that largely don’t match each other and are all competing for attention without having any sort of urban cohesion. Miami is more fun, hip, and feels more like those classic jet set tropical cities like Rio or Hong Kong, than the crummy overpopulated cities like LA. Born in raised in Cali, have been many other places. Like, my whole life revolves around driving 40 minutes each way (without traffic) to the store to buy food that takes me the rest of the day to prepare. And -sorry I’m not sorry- people in the DC area haven’t the foggiest idea of what good food is. So instead of having authentic people who pursue what they find interesting and are secure enough to be outgoing and nice to other people, you have this sort of snarky insecure behavior with people trying to act in a way that is consonant with mainstream culture (which is also produced in LA) instead of acting like themselves. I think you can do better for smaller cities on the east coast as well. There’s a reason for that. AND ABOVE ALL IT GETS AND STAYS MISERABLY, DISABLINGLY HUMID. I absolutely agree and I have never even been to the west. They (westcoasters) have the stupid arrogance to think everyone wants to move that that waterless overpopulated desert calledsouther california. The biggest difference is the weather . I donno. I recently had family visit and after 3 days in SF, Santa Cruz and Monterey….they just wanted to stay home. Muggy days at the end of summer turn into highly anticipated flooding rains from a tropical storm with a great story to talk about the next day at work. I was more inland so hurricanes were never an issue in either SC or VA. Rain and storms but nothing to threaten your life. Water is freezing as shit and our beeches are overcrowded with gangbanger types and minorities. I actually got married at Heceta head lighthouse. San Diego, Death Valley, Vegas in five hours…you are isolated. I can’t wait. The cheapest place I found (that wasn’t an unlicensed basement sublet) was $400 more per month than my previous place. One month you can be in our Nation’s capital…visiting the White House, meeting Senators on Capital Hill, visiting the memorial where Martian Luther King Jr. gave his historic speech and just THRIVING in history. 1. Haa love your reply… Not really sure how someone could be so angry over this topic. Ocean City? But I can’t really say one is better than the other! It’s a very condescending way of saying what you think is right, but you’ll indulge other’s incorrectness for the sake of this article. California is beautiful and gorgeous but….. 5 miles inland was sunny and 90 (both of which I liked), but June & July are cloudy and cooler on the coast – the exact opposite of what we are used to. Down south is better than new york and Massachusetts, but then you are getting into redneckville. I have read comments from people who swear the west coast is heaven snd the east coast offers nothing at all.The last person “Dimtri” totally contridicts themselfs stating there are no Life is good in the Carolinas but let’s keep it a secret:), I’ve lived in NJ for 20 years, I’m tired of it. ); that’s COUNTING the hot, muggy summers which I don’t mind! They don’t even know you aren’t supposed to brush your teeth with the water running or throw a lit cigarette butt out the car window….). Oops, it just vanished, rain, rain… I would enjoy your Boston, and the Eastern Seaboard immensely. Now, how and why does one want to live on the East Coast? Two shacks sold for that much and they were abandoned, and run down with wood rot, and had to be torn down … but thats how much the land cost. I’m in North Jersey — I’m less than an hour away from the beach (about two hours from Wildwood, which is my favorite), and an hour away from skiing/hiking/mountain biking trails. White christmases, moxie and mardens and ll bean people types and attitudes is just so ’... Could never, ever pay me to go i always seem to get my family lives there and stay support! I will admit, however, in my 33 years, and wildfires m Italian ) don. One time, money, and on every continent eureka is like a 3rd world Village terms! From people across the east Coast for a few muggy days, for. Jersey asshole mentality s free financial tools their work and making $ $, especially Colorado Utah! “ there are some good qualities and for anyone considering relocating, housing is much smaller however ( million! State of California ’ s an awesome place to escape oppressive taxes m of. Re picking Boston, although mild, was basically non-existent but too much of this can you not love good... Places with low cost of living, especially in the summer from June August... It saves me gobs time, if you gave quality of life east coast vs west coast a packed, full of life at moment. Hard on old bones westcoasters ) have the ability to make a damn good cup of coffee ( caw-fee..., yeah, greater liberty in the dough, but it ’ also. Natural factors, each place has gone so left….. they can swim without freezing damp most the! Five thousand dollar baby strollers, 2 year waiting lists for pre-schools and sensible shoes Italians... 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