Since the ascendant is in Libra, the person is generally laid-back, Once we have found the ruler of the ascendant's sign, then we locate where that planet is situated in the chart. Let’s look at a full chart and take a more advanced and detailed approach. Subscribe to Sky Writer by Email. While I do not think there is one particular way to read a chart, I have found the ruler of the ascendant to be the most telling of the chart native’s identity, vitality, and general role in life. There is no task so small or insignificant he would not do for those on his responsibility. Mercurial would be the word that would best describe this god. Skip to content. The planet is then in its domicile. I like to study traditional astrology & share my thoughts in the process———————————————————————— In classical astrology, Mercury was assigned rulership of both Gemini and Virgo. In the native’s case, he grew up in a family who didn’t have a lot, so he values money, his assets, and security more than the average person.The sign of Pisces is altruistic, emotional, selfless, empathetic, and unstructured. This opening up to usher forth this child is represented by Jupiter in Virgo and Jupiter is considered the Hierarchical ruler of Virgo. Remember in Magi Astrology, Chiron is the planet of partnerships and marriage. It’s also a good starting point before diving into the rest of the chart and its complexities. Pisces. Signs and corresponding rulers: Aries: Mars Taurus: Venus Gemini: Mercury Cancer: Moon Leo: Sun Virgo: Mercury Libra: Venus Scorpio: Mars Sagittarius: Jupiter Capricorn: Saturn Aquarius: Saturn Pisces: Jupiter. Uranus clearly rules Aquarius, taking it from Saturn, traditional ruler of Aquarius, while Neptune takes Pisces from Jupiter and Pluto takes Scorpio from Mars. Traditional Rulers do not include Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto. Mercury is neutral when it comes to sect. How To Thrive This Mercury Retrograde Season. It would only follow then that Chiron would be the ruler of Libra. Kibbe Natural. Just as Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto rule signs in modern astrology, some astrologers believe Ceres should be the modern ruler of Virgo. This makes the expression quirky, innovative, and a little unconventional. However I am very open to this and would love to … Each of the ten planets is ruler or lord of at least one sign of thezodiac. Virgo has a character that tends to be withdrawn, exacting, and dedicated to the pursuit of perfection through continual analysis. It is an opportunistic planet, decidedly unemotional and curious. By ~mystic_fish — December 12, 2007 6:37pm — 7 replies. Yellow is a Mercury color! She also embodies everything Venusian (super feminine, beautiful, compromising, pleasant, etc). you technically shouldn’t be able to “relate” to your entire chart. Moses Sigegar, , claims that Chiron is the ruler of Virgo, using the western wounded/healer interpretation of Chiron. Since it is in Taurus, the way the native communicates is patiently, steadily, practically, and/or carefully (or when expressed negatively, stubbornly, possessively, slowly, and/or boringly). This planet rules organization and people with great skills for organizing. In the example, Saturn is also opposite the Moon in the 8th (house of shared resources). ], Ceres was seen as the ruling planet of Virgo [citation needed]. Libra – Venus It is believed that Mercury imbibes one part of its personality in Gemini and the other in Virgo. Being a Virgo Moon, the ruler of Virgo is of personal interest to me. Be sure to find out your personal astrology data online, at no cost. He tells the stories of how the soldiers lost their lives abroad and how their remains were found. Second chart: The Sun enters Virgo – August 22, 2021, 17:35 EDT. Taurus – Venus No. One way works a little better than the other. In Virgos, you see the importance given to intellect. cancer and virgo - 1 year. Mercury's action is to take things apart and put them back together again. Capricorn  It is all about weighing … Basically my North Node Virgo makes me a severe Type-A and I Love it! Look Meet people born under Virgo here. Related Forums. The conjunction with Venus, a planet in its own triplicity & domicile, helps him a lot though. The archetype of Venus is the lover, connecter, creator, harmonizer, and receiver. Mercury clearly rules Gemini-- the brain and perception, but its rulership of the hands is less clear. It is too soon to tell, and it will probably take the astrological community another 50 years to agree of Chiron. Unlike Gemini AC, where mercury also rules, Virgo AC is a very different kettle of fish. Dragon's head in Pisces. Virgo is also very detailed, methodical, nit-picky, perfectionistic and just downright critical with a keen sharp eye. See our Quick Compatibility Tool for astrological compatibility based on two birthdates and years. Sagittarius  Oh - you bet I use my North Node! Virgo in love is dutiful and sensual, with a steady affection shown in small acts. Add new topic Virgo forum. Click When interpreting a birth chart, the “chart ruler” is the planetary ruler of the sign on the Ascendant, or first house. Since it is a diurnal chart, earth signs would be ruled by Venus. Virgo – the Disappointed Goddess Seeking goodness in humankind is the story of Virgo, and disappointment seems to be inevitable from their point of view. This planet rules over technology, communication, our thought processes, our logic, understanding, knowledge and online social networking. If a planet is in"its" sign (for example Mars in Aries), it expresses itself in away that best suits its nature. – Planetary Positions Calculations/Report. Aries: MarsTaurus: VenusGemini: MercuryCancer: MoonLeo: SunVirgo: MercuryLibra: VenusScorpio: MarsSagittarius: JupiterCapricorn: SaturnAquarius: SaturnPisces: Jupiter. He's incapable of sitting still for very. Virgo's true ruler should be Vulcan... and vulcan shall be discovered... before Pan-Horus ofcource. Ascendant: LibraRuler of the Ascendant: Venus in Aquarius in the 5th housMain Aspect: 1°14’, applying square to Neptune in Capricorn. It would only follow then that Chiron would be the ruler of Libra. Sign Rulers / Ruling Planets. It’s a critical element of every chart and it She has her Asc, ⵙ, ☿, & ♀︎ all in this sign If Taurus is found on the second house, then Venus is said to rule the second house. Moderators: shalimar123, eye_of_tiger, suzisco. In this example, for someone with a Scorpio Although the status of Ceres has not been conclusively decided at the moment in astrology, it has been suggested as the ruler of Virgo or Taurus. Vulcan: true ruler of Virgo? alone. It is a record that plays unused music called "Ressentiment". Libra   I think Vulcan rules Virgo and Earth rule Libra...It makes so much sense Libra- Wants everything equal and likes justice and fairness,kinda like the Earth/World is supposed to be. In Geminis, the influence of the trickster can be heavily seen. When we speak of "sign rulers", we do this todistinguish them from the rulers of the houses. So overall, the individual has gifted communication, speaking, teaching, and writing abilities, thanks to Venus. If you haven't had an existential crisis over the concept of fate, are you really even doing astrology? Aries and Virgo Compatibility - 15 days. He was impossible to pin down. Showing the connection Ceres has to Kronos her father, as well as the esoteric connection Virgo has to Capricorn. The chart ruler in 4th house emphasizes the importance of your home and family. Virgo-Virgo has all the traits of Virgo in double force. Its placement in the 2nd house in general can make someone responsible, careful, fearful and/or concerned when it comes to finances, assets, resources, and sense of security. It can be found, using the Leo record, in the First Class Guest Sector in the "Rag Princess Sews" chapter. The principle manifests in more than one area of life, since the ruler, or ROVING DELEGATE of that sign, carries the message to another house. Quickly learn new information about yourself and make connections you never made before. Virgo   Modern research indicates Virgo's ruler(s) may in fact be the asteroids Ceres (goddess of the harvest) and Vesta (goddess of the hearth). Or, enter your birthdate and get a quick transit or forecast report. Someone who truly embodies the often misunderstood sign of Aquarius is Charlotte Rampling. The ruling planet of the first house shows the The very name, Chiron, suggests handling and hands-on. Since Venus is in the 5th whole sign house, the chart native will likely be involved in 5th house topics such as children, creativity, art, romance, sexuality, entertainment, and/or recreation. Scorpio – Pluto (Mars) The ruler of the Midheaven in the 8th house suggests a career that involves dealing with secret matters, hidden from the public. story involved. Ascendant in Sagittarius. From Cholick to Evil Digestion, I continue diagnosing my patients with a telescope, a dash of logic, and a little bit of luck. Taurus   This planet shows us what this person does, who they talk whereas the Moon is considered its Esoteric ruler because The Creator Life force Wills manifestation in Form ( earthly body), the Moon. You Need These 4 Things To Start Reading a Birth Chart: In this case Mercury is conjunct Venus (0°14’, applying)- This can bring qualities of kindness, gifted writing abilities, a beautiful appearance (since Mercury rules this individual’s body), loving communication, a pleasant voice, and/or personal charm. AstroSeek, Free Horoscopes and charts 2021 Before the discovery of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, all planets shared their rulers with one other. Moon in Sagittarius. But, there are those who are beginning to advocate Chiron as being Virgo's true ruler. A person with an Aquarius rising may generally come off as emotionally detached, technical, quirky, stubborn, and/or interested in innovations that progress society. Saturn is the bound lord for Mercury. Mars Posted by: Donna Cunningham on February 26, 2011. We believe that Chiron has superseded Mercury as the ruler of Virgo. On Monday, Ceres enters Virgo. Lesson Progress 0% Complete Here is the glyph for Mercury: a little person wearing a hat, like a delivery boy. They might show an interest in service, helping others, and/or creating a set of order. Leo   However, a few planets still share a common ruler, like Gemini and Virgo. (Example from Chris Brennan’s book, Hellenistic Astrology: The Study of Fate and Fortune), Ascendant: AquariusRuler of the Ascendant: Saturn in Pisces in the 2nd house, Main Aspects: 0°55’, applying opposition to the Moon in Virgo & 2°01’, separating trine to Jupiter in Scorpio. Search This Site. Note also that some planets rule two signs. ): Another similar example is Judy Blume, a famous children’s author particularly known for writing Are You There God? Ruler of Gemini Ruler of Virgo: by Rebecca Brents. Because his ascendant ruler and sun are involved, his ego and identity are deeply intertwined with his career. This man eats, sleeps, and breathes his career. The metaphor for your mind. Virgo's sincerity and diligence earn them trust as healers, friends, co-workers. Vulcan: true ruler of Virgo? So in this case, Venus harmonizes or creates in an Aquarian way. For medieval Muslim astrologers, it would come to be a sign of cataclysmic change It is the planet of day-to-day expression and communication. restricts Mercury and reinforces some of the Mercury square Saturn qualities. should never be overlooked. True ruler of Virgo. Mercury as an air planet -- ruler of Gemini -- is a bit too cerebral and abstract in its approach to reality to suit the tastes of ultra-pragmatic Taurus. The archetype of Saturn is the authority figure, elderly man, and/or father. A thread on Aquarius in astrology from the Islamic World, This is one of my new all-time favorite episodes. Virgo is one of the nineteen Records. This would place Gemini as the supreme ruler of Mercury and Virgo as the ruler of Chiron. The ruler of Virgo is the planet Mercury, making it influenced by its energies. On Monday, Ceres enters Virgo. In conclusion, the ruler of the ascendant can tell the 6 posts • Page 1 of 1. dilip_b11 Posts: 8 Joined: Sat Jun 25, 2005 5:47 am. It's so refreshing to hear discourse between skeptics & an astrologer that is actually respectful, thoughtful, thorough, and intellectually honest, Ian and Shaye from the @CampReEducation podcast join me to ask some questions about astrology as people who are curious but skeptical: For some modern astrologers including many European astrologers, it is the ruling planet of Virgo based upon observation of its role in synastric charts. It is about the practical pursuit of perfection (health?) Traditional Rulers do not include Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto. Saturn likes to create structure, order, and definitive boundaries. Here is an article on the topic from my archives (edited for length). In astrology, each zodiac sign has a ruling planet. Consequently, two zodiac signs were assigned the same rulers. When interpreting a birth chart, the “chart ruler” is the planetary ruler of the sign on the Ascendant, or first house. Due to its mythological connection to the harvest cycle, some modern astrologers feel Ceres should be the ruler of Taurus, however, many European astrologers see Ceres as ruling Virgo with its observed connection to the practical, being of service and assisting. Mercury in Gemini vs. Virgo Unlike most of the other Planetary Rulers that have dominion over one Astrological Sign, however, Mercury divides its attention between two: Gemini and Virgo. This can lead to inhibited communication, shyness, negative thinking, depression, difficulty expressing thoughts or affections, a fear of speaking, a sense of rigidity or inflexibility in the body (since Mercury rules this person’s body/appearance) or communication style, and/or being criticized or silenced by an authority figure/father figure. These classical rulers are still used by some astrologers. Virgo: Ruler: Mars: Venus: Mercury: Moon: Sun: Mercury : Ascendant: Libra: Scorpio: Sagittarius: Capricorn: Aquarius: Pisces: Ruler: Venus: Pluto: Jupiter: Saturn: Uranus: Neptune: To learn more about the ascendant in astrology, visit The Rising Sign. Mercury is Virgo's planetary ruler, and the planet Mercury is depicted here. Gemini   If you want to dive even DEEPER, let’s answer a few more advanced questions regarding the condition of the planet: There are more questions that could be asked when assessing the condition of a planet, but I’ll save that for another blog post. astro junkie unregistered : posted September 18, 2004 04:05 PM I liked that Cassandra. to, how they act, where they are, and other more descriptive traits beyond personality Leo – Sun With a planet so erratic, no wonder Hermes was such a fickle and unpredictable god. Sagittarius – Jupiter Virgo is the sign of experience, of learning by doing. Just as Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto rule signs in modern astrology, some astrologers believe Ceres should be the modern ruler of Virgo. Add new topic Virgo forum. Answer: it is considered ruled by mercury by most. Virgo is the servant of his people, when he rules the kingdom. However, he often struggles with self-doubt, self-criticism, feeling inhibited, or feeling blocked when trying to express some of his gifts, thanks to Saturn’s influence. Anyone familiar with mythology will recognize that Chiron is the wounded warrior who gave his life for humanity. Mercury, the messenger of the gods, is the ruler of both Gemini and Virgo. The manifestation of this chart is an individual playing the role of a methodical communicator (a Mercury in Taurus and general Virgo activity) of concepts related to foreign affairs (a 9th house topic). Nowadays, Vulcan is only used in esoteric and soul-centered astrology, due to its “unofficial” status. 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