Find out what other deviants think - about anything at all. The player must shoot at the various enemies that … 67.8k members in the touhou community. Chen 5. In total there are 52 users online :: 5 Registered, 0 Hidden and 47 Guests :: 1 Bot daemongirl, Deus001, Harrier, LunarWolf, skip-stop [ View the whole list] Most users ever … Certain options have details that you can hover to read. Remilia Scarlet is the owner and head of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, the mistress of Sakuya and Meiling, and the older sister (and guardian) of Flandre. D&D Beyond Suika Ibuki is currently the only Oni living on the surface in Gensokyo. I hope this is okay. ... Touhou Project. Neyasu's Tier List (2015) An agreed upon list from neyasu's blog, made after discussion with other Japanese players. Just the average videogame nerd. But despite that, Reimu is not an obscure character. Summary. Ask the community. Paint a picture. DB. Which main character from Touhou are you? The Touhou Project is a game series wildly popular in Japan, but relatively unknown in the Western Hemisphere. So if Reimu does turn out to be the indie rep in fighters pass 2, she will most likely never leave the roster due to Touhou being one of the greatest indie videogames. Upload stories, poems, character descriptions & more. Get a better device or use a desktop. Reimu Hakurei und Marisa Kirisame sind die Protagonisten vom Touhou Project und in beinahe jedem Teil der Reihe spielbar. Hello everybody! That's how it's … by Darkeyedp7 Plays Quiz not verified by Sporcle . Rate 5 stars Rate 4 stars Rate 3 stars Rate 2 stars Rate 1 star . Some things to keep in mind before we get started: Character names here all use Hepburn romanization despite ZUN mostly having switched to Kunrei-shiki after Imperishable Night, as it's the system most people are familiar with. Of the 107055 characters on Anime Characters Database, 161 are from the video game Touhou Project. Characters. 1/2/3 always correspond to the first/second/third buttons. June 7th, 2019 - Added Violet Detector and Wily Beast and Weakest Creature (trial). It's my first quiz! Chen. Caution! As the Scarlet Mist incidentmysteriously returned, Reimu and Marisa went on their own ways to try and resolve the incident. Can you pick the Touhou character that has the corresponding description or meme? By the way, this isn't all of them. Touhou Tier List Creator. It's set in the fantasy land of Gensokyo, populated by interesting characters of all species from humans to fairies, and has a massive fanbase creating nearly every format of fanworks (music remixes, artwork, comics, etc. TH14 - Double Dealing Character; TH14.3 - Impossible Spell Card; TH14.5 - Urban Legend in Limbo; TH15 - Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom; TH15.5 - Antinomy of Common Flowers; TH16 - Hidden Star in Four Seasons; TH16.5 - Violet Detector; TH17 - Wily Beast and Weakest Creature; TH17.5 - Touhou Gouyoku Ibun Cirno 4. Sorter for Touhou characters. 1, 2 by … Ultimate 78; Danganronpa 1-V3 Logic Minesweeper 73 Sorter for Touhou characters. She is the Final Stage Boss of Touhou 15 - Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom. An English guide on how to vote can be found here.. Usually held each February, it consists of Character, Music, Voter Questionnaire, and occasionally Spell Card categories. This page was last edited on 29 February 2020, at 10:07. Touhou doesn't have a main plot though, and the reason for its popularity (other than the pretty danmaku) lies in its characters. Though the yōkai do often prey on the humans while the humans try to exorcise them, no racial animosity actually exists between the two. Flandre Scarlet. Anime. Hence each and every one of the Touhou characters after Embodiment of Scarlet Devil (plus some PC-98 ones like Shinki and Mima) have their own fan following (character-only conventions in Japan, even). Find out if you're more of a Reisen or a Marisa type! so here's a list of the characters who still need their own club (P.S. Her power level is Over 9000, but in Gensokyo, that doesn’t count for shit.) Splash Art: toto nemigi. Go ahead, and let's see your results. Considered to be the most accurate character ranking thus far. Mugen Windows Configurator ~ Roster builder Many Sprites to One Palette ~ Drag and drop 3D Def File Generator ~ For stages MUtaGEN ~ Sprite swapper Double Clsn Size Storyboard Viewer v0.45 alpha Alfred Spritesheet Unpacker Ultimate Character Tester Palette ACT Editor Full … She is strong enough to throw large boulders with one hand. Garp_fist 3 weeks ago #15. Drag a character onto a tier box to add that character to it. Koakuma 12. Alice Margatroid. 129 votes, 21 comments. Certain options have details that you can hover to read. Like most oni, she has a ridiculous amount of strength and loves to drink sake. Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Junko. Fanart depicting all Touhou characters up through Subterranean Animism. Mima 18. Byakuren HijiriPlayable Character; Futo & Ichirin Scenario Final Boss alongside Miko, Toyosatomimi no MikoPlayable Character; Reimu & Kasen Scenario Penultimate Boss alongside Hijiri; Reisen & Doremy Scenario Penultimate Boss alongside Futo, Kasen IbarakiPlayable Character; Tenshi & Shinmyoumaru Scenario Penultimate Boss alongside Mamizou; Futo & Ichirin Scenario Penultimate Boss alongside Reimu; Joon & Shion Scenario Penultimate Boss alongside Doremy, Fujiwara no MokouPlayable Character; Reisen & Doremy Scenario Final Boss alongside Reimu, Sumireko UsamiPlayable Character; Nitori & Kokoro Scenario Penultimate Boss alongside Doremy; Sumireko & Doremy Scenario Final Boss alongside Sumireko, Tenshi HinanawiPlayable Character; Nitori & Kokoro Scenario Final Boss alongside Shinmyoumaru; Joon & Shion Scenario Final Boss alongside Doremy, Yukari YakumoPlayable Character; Penultimate Boss; Reimu & Kasen Scenario Final Boss; Tenshi & Shinmyoumaru Scenario Final Boss alongside Reimu, Joon YorigamiPlayable Character (Unlockable); Final Boss alongside Shion, Shion YorigamiJoon Yorigami's Partner; Joon Yorigami's Slave (Story Mode only); Yukari & Reimu Scenario Final Boss alongside Yukari (Reimu as Playable Character only), Giant CatfishTenshi Hinanawi's Final Two Spells, Certain options have details that you can hover to read. Entrant Roster - 19 entrants. ; Touhou Windows One-- Covers characters that debuted in … POC Bonuses * In this game, there's a new way to earn Life and Bomb pieces - you want to auto-collect lots of items in a single visit to the top of the screen. Experiment with DeviantArt’s own digital drawing tools. Lie Meiling 15. Popular Quizzes Today. Unfortunately, this update breaks support for older mobile Safari users. Fujiwara no Mokou 8. Komachi Onozuka 14. How to Play Forced Order. Pick your sources, and hit the Start button. Sorter for Touhou characters. User Info: Garp_fist. Top User Quizzes in Gaming. Add to Favourites. Marisa Kirisame 17. Before sorting: S/Enter (start sorting) L (load progress). In your "Touhou 12.3 - Hisoutensoku" folder is a file called "configex123.ini," which mostly contains gibberish, but near the top, it has an entry for "[th105path]," under which it says "path=". Drag a character from the picker onto a tiered character to insert them to the left of them. Alright, I made this roster with both Paint.NET and Adobe Photoshop CS5 for the arcade version as an idea. Touhou Hisoutensoku is the 12.3th game in the Touhou Project, released for the Windows OS in the April 14th 2008. Best Touhou Character. A high end fighting game developer is making a proper Touhou fighting game (sorry soku fans), and they've assigned you to choose out every single character in the roster. She used her ability on her grudge on the Lunarians and lost her identity. Touhou characters (PLEASE READ) posted by Sally_Fan so far i've created a few Touhou character clubs. Touhou 06 : Embodiment of Scarlet Devil. Ichirin Kumoi 10. by Kelsea 0 Replies 261 Views Kelsea Last Posts on Fri Sep 20, 2019 6:16 pm Sticky: Tension Hentai Champion Contenders. Based on victory quote dialogues, however, it is implied that the game takes place some time after the canonical events of Touhou Proje… Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Autosave, shareable URLs, keyboard controls. A change within the game however is that the stages in Story Mode no longer need to be played back-to-back with the player free to select and complete a stage whenever they feel ready to do so. Search over 100,000 characters using visible traits like hair color, eye color, hair length, age, and gender on Anime Characters Database. All Characters in Touhou Project . Das Touhou Project enthält eine Vielzahl an unterschiedlichen Charakteren. ... and Viewtiful Joe can be playable in the same Smash roster, Sakuya and Viewtiful Joe still have no place on the roster. This is a guide to the Loads and Loads of Characters from the Bullet Hell computer game series Touhou Project and related official works.. * Each time you pass the POC to auto-collect items, your pass is judged, and you will receive a Bonus designation of 0.5, 0.8, 1.2, 1.6, or 2.0, depending upon how many items you attract on that pass. Touhou is a series of … Poll. This is a guide to the Loads and Loads of Characters from the Bullet Hell series Touhou Project and related official works.. You may be correct to say that Reimu is less iconic/famous than dozens of other 3rd party characters. 1-to-4-to-1 Blitz: Gaming 369; Danganronpa Logic Minefield 226; 2020 Video Game Slot Machine 180; Members of the Dream SMP 147; Pick 5 in 15: Scrabble 129; Dream SMP Members 122; Genshin Impact Logic Puzzle 100; Name all the pets in Adopt Me - Roblox 93; Name every Character in Super Smash Bros. That's all the playable characters from the main games! Obviously you want your favorite obscure characters in, but you have a moral responsibility to try and represent the characters of Gensokyo the best you can. Click on the character you like better from the two, or tie them if you like them equally or don't know them. Explanations for each character are posted here, and may offer insight to the differences between Western … Flandre Scarlet 7. Cirno. The Touhou Popularity Poll (東方シリーズ人気投票, Touhou Shiriizu Ninki Touhyou) is an annual survey conducted by the Japanese Touhou Wiki since 2003, with the exception of 2007 and 2013. Suika loves to party with all her heart. Playable character in Touhou 9, main character of Touhou 9.5 (the first one to be the sole main character of a Touhou game other than Reimu), main character of the fanbook Bohemian Archive in Japanese Red, stage 4 boss in Touhou 10, and playable character in Touhou 10.5, as well as 12.3 and 16. Usage instructions are listed below. Pick your sources, and hit the Start button. About The Character Directory. The rest of the oni live underground in the Ancient City. Nothing special. September 5th, 2020 - Added Okunoda Miyoi. In den 29 Spielen, den CDs und den Printmedien, ist der Cast auf über 160 Charaktere gewachsen. The full character roster. Of the 107055 characters on Anime Characters Database, 161 are from the video game Touhou Project. Click on the character you like better from the two, or tie them if you like them equally or don't know them. A 4 B 2 C 4 D 2 E 6 F 2 G 3 H 8 I 2 J 2 K 19 L 7 M 20 N 6 O 3 P 2 R 15 S 26 T 5 U 4 W 5 Y 14 ALL. (No, Cirno is not on the list. File:AllTouhouCharactersAsOf2008 3958.jpg. This is an online quiz called The Characters of Touhou There is a printable worksheet available for download here so you can take the quiz with pen and paper. Patchouli Knowled… Thumbnail Art: alphes, kaoru, dairi. You need to tell it the exact path to your SWR folder, as seen in the screenshot below (highlighted). Alice Margatroid 2. October 5th, 2019 - Added filter for nameless characters. This is the introduction of a MUGEN character TouhouProject of his hand. October 4th, 2019 - Added Wily Beast and Weakest Creature (full). The game is a collaboration between ZUN and Twilight Frontier, which also made most of the assets and … Touhou 09 ~ Phantasmagoria of Flower View. For the theme music of each character, check out each work or the Music List of Touhou Ankake Chaahan. Koishi Komeiji 13. i wanted to make a club about EVERY Touhou character, but there's just way too many. by Kelsea 9 Replies 837 Views SimplyMoon Last Posts on Sat Dec 26, 2020 3:27 pm Sticky: Friction World Champion Contenders. Touhou 05 : Mystic Square. Hong Meiling 9. ). Touhou 07 : Perfect Cherry Blossom. Byakuren Hijiri 3. This is. Her personality is jolly and childish, as you'd expect from her appearance. It's mostly about the adventures of Reimu and Marisa, a shrine maiden and a magician in Gensokyo. Eirin Yagokoro 6. Though her appearance (and often behavior) is childlike, and seems nonthreatening, she has fearsome magical powers and a reputation to match, being known throughout Gensokyo as the dangerous "Scarlet Devil." Playable Character; Tenshi & Shinmyoumaru Scenario Penultimate Boss alongside Mamizou; Futo & Ichirin Scenario Penultimate Boss alongside Reimu; Joon & Shion Scenario Penultimate Boss alongside Doremy Revealed on the official website. With a cast of over 150 characters, the Touhou world is amazingly large for a shooting game series, and is one of the reasons why the games have become so popular in fanon. Depending on how many sources you pick, you'll get up to 700+ picks, so set aside a good few cups of tea for this. Inspired by this site. February 21st, 2018 - Refactored site. Kanako Yasaka 11. Currently tiering: Change view: This page allows you to create your own Touhou character tier list. And what way to start off the strongest blog than by posting the top 10 STRONGEST Touhou characters? Girls are now preparing, please wait warmly and have some tea. This is a list of the characters that belong to the Touhou Project, a series of games by ZUN from Team Shanghai Alice.Most Touhou characters reside in a fictional realm called Gensokyo, where humans and yōkai coexist. It shows characters from both Psonic and Touhou universes, including guests from different series and requests from the users around the world. 1. DA Muro. Gameplay remains largely the same with previous entries, the player is able to control one of the several playable characters at the start of the game and must go through a series of stages dealing with waves of enemies as well as mid-bosses and bosses along the way. The Touhou Project (東方Project Tōhō Purojekuto, lit.Eastern Project), also known as Toho Project or Project Shrine Maiden is a series of Japanese bullet hell shooter video games developed by the Team Shanghai Alice, confirmed by the only man Jun'ya Ota, who holds the pseudonym of ZUN. And I would still like a Touhou character even if it isn't Reimu so. The first Touhou top ten list of this blog, of course! From the quiz author Keyboard controls during sorting: H/LeftArrow (pick left) J/DownArrow (undo) K/UpArrow (tie) L/RightArrow (pick right) S (save progress). Let's play a game! A divine spirit who can purify anything. In addition to that, we've also compiled a wealth of original sources and other materials that were interesting to write about. Aya Shameimaru. Touhou PC 98-- Covers characters that debuted in Highly Responsive to Prayers, Story of Eastern Wonderland, Phantasmagoria of Dim.Dream, Lotus Land Story, and Mystic Square.This includes the main protagonists of the Touhou series, Reimu Hakurei and Marisa Kirisame, and recurring characters Alice Margatroid and Yuuka Kazami. Pick your sources, and hit the Start button. Mamizou Futatsuiwa 16. This article has been edited with the priority for those that have already been exposed to MADs and are deemed to be in high demand. THGR does not have any particular or defined storyline, instead focusing more on a "Dream Match" themed-game, akin to games such as The King of Fighters '98in where there is little to no storyline, where characters from previous games, including those deceased in canon, return to the roster. Character sheets. Iku is a playable character in Touhou 10.5 - Scarlet Weather Rhapsody. Click on the character you like better from the two, or tie them if you like them equally or don't know them. 2/3. The Touhou Project series features a great number and variety of characters. , den CDs und den Printmedien, ist der Cast auf über 160 Charaktere gewachsen the City. Strongest Touhou characters up through Subterranean Animism Scarlet Weather Rhapsody that were interesting to write about Touhou character if. D Beyond of the characters who still need their own club ( P.S 1 star still need own! 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