Smith, M. G. & Kuper, L. (1969) Pluralism in Africa. In Guyana and the Caribbean islands, the Europeans found no In order to interpret what an ethnicity is, one must first know what the definition of the word “ethnic” means. In this paper, I would be discussing the similarities and differences found between the plantation society model and the Creole society model. “Malaise Creole” was first utilized by Père Cerveaux in 1993 to illustrate difficulties creole community faced in the Mauritian society. From Spaniard and Mulatta, Morisca depicts a section of the caste system, racial mixing, and the economic and political time period of the Colonial Spanish Americas. St. George’s university. The formation of the Caribbean region as it is known today is done through a process called colonialism. (1981) A Working Paradigm for Race Relations Research. According to Furnivall, different ethnic groups in a plural society meet only in the marketplace. Plural-stratified societies. Overtime before the enlightenment, a caste system developes of all the people that come to America. Copyright © 2020 All rights reserved. Weber, M. (1961) General Economic History. This coexisting has not always been peaceful, especially in territories such as Guyana which have a high percentage of Blacks and Indians. I "groped about" for some alternative societal model17 until Daryll Forde advised me to read Furnlvall. ridden colonial milieu. M. G. Smith wrote originally about Grenada but his theory of the plural society has been widely used in the analysis of colonial and postcolonial societies in the Caribbean. In this book M. G. Smith has collected the revised version of a dozen articles, nearly all published previously and all dealing with sociological aspects of British Caribbean society. Some of the people who brought their ethnicities to The Bahamas are the Greeks, Lebanese, Jews, Chinese and West Indians. One would be the subordination of peasants to the large estates or latifundia, a second would be the replacement of the former colonial power by a group able to take over its powers, a third would be a change in which new, primarily economic centers replaced the colonial power. Unlike the Creole society, the plantation society is considered structured and organization. Commonwealth nations, with their mastery over English language, tried to project their national ethos to the international audience. Weak variant: Orlando Patterson, Michael Horowitz and … In: Brian Meeks, ed. This is easy enough for he has only to say that each group has its own internal class structure. Smith uses “culture” to mean social institutions, i.e. Caribbean Social Structure Plural Societies 2. Set ting his argument within the context of a review of social anthropological theories used in studying the Caribbean, he sees the various ethnic groups as having their own family systems, their own productive economies, their own languages and religion, but not their own political system. They suggest instead a dynamic interplay between folk law and official legal codes. America and the Caribbean Creole societies have been around for roughly the same amount of time, yet the Caribbean is Creole, and America is not. With that definition, one can understand that the word ethnicity means culture and race. Explain your answer. There are 2 perspectives of plantation society: The. Smith (1974) states further that a pluralistic society is one in which the various institutions, such as marriage, the family and religion, are practices differently by various groups. Smith, in applying PST to the Caribbean, was convinced that the dominant sociological theory which posited harmony and common values was neither applicable nor relevant to the former slave societies of the Caribbean as these societies were deeply divided. The plantation society model served the purpose of rigidly structuring society in order to facilitate clear economic goals. Racism dictated the emergence of a slavery ideology. What does PLURAL SOCIETY mean? The application of plural society theory to capitalist societies based upon mining produces a different set of problems. the family, religion, … Plantation Society. Accordingly. It is believed that it is only after Christopher Columbus stumbled upon the Caribbean region, that these countries became part of the world civilization. It is a complex issue that is differently interpreted in different situation by different scholars. 1 Introduction The landscape of English literature developed in divergent dimensions during the later half of the twentieth century. The plantation model was developed in the late 1960’s. There rural agricultural reserves are expected to provide social backup so that males of working age can live in segregated compounds or locations and be intensively exploited. M.G. Before looking at the impact of borrowing upon the Mauritian Creole, it is better to have a look at the history of Mauritian language. There is a vast range of cultural diversity in the Caribbean today. In the colonial phase relations to the means of production are important, even though they are more varied than Marxist categories suggest, involving such structures as the encomienda in Spanish America. Social Structure and Caribbean Society. Once the indigenous New World populations were decimated, the growth and development of plantation economies that arose in the Caribbean in the seventeenth century produced pathbreaking patterns of economic and cultural exchange between Europe, th… The ecological interdependence, or the lack of competition, between ethnic groups may be based on the different activities in the same region … They exist, however, politically under the domination of an outside power. In the Caribbean, however, he argues that there are several coexisting ethnic groups, each of which has a nearly complete set of social institutions. Critically analyze the contribution of the Plural Society Model to your understanding of Caribbean Social Structure in the post -independence era. In some respects, these analyses bear common features with the idea of the West Indies as ‘plural society’, divided along racial lines, a model that Brathwaite criticized. There are 2 perspectives of plantation society: The. The groups have remained distinct and have their own institutions. In this case, there is no force or coercion by anyone or on to discard their existing belief system and adapt to new one. Origin of Creolization theory The origin of creolization in the Caribbean region lies arguably within the processes of colonization, slavery and migration which created the foundation of the New World. Smith's theory of cultural pluralism in the Caribbean in his analysis of Guyana as a plural society. University of California Press, Berke­ley and Los Angeles. A plural society is defined by Fredrik Barth as a society combining ethnic contrasts: the economic interdependence of those groups, and their ecological specialization (i.e., use of different environmental resources by each ethnic group). 2.2 The concept of “malaise creole” When the dominant section constitutes a minority, the result is the plural society, a type in which “the structural implications of cultural pluralism have their most extreme expression, and the dependence on regulation by force is greatest” (1 960:774). Is George Beckford's Plantation Model Still Relevant in Describing Caribbean Society? According to George Beckford the present Caribbean society can be regarded as a “plantation society”. A theory of such colonial and postcolonial societies draws particularly on the work of J. S. Furnivall and M. G. Smith. The Plural Society in the British West Indies. Explain each model and indicate which model is the most appropriate for this region and why? This involves first of all recognizing that such societies go through several phases of development, precolonial, colonial, and postcolonial. MODELS Plantation Society, Plural Society and Class Society. Post-colonial literature not only fractured the hegemony of the west, but also infused ‘newness’ into English literature, thereby making it a configuration of diverse cultures. plantation society is characteristic of the period of slavery and is thus representative of a distinct aspect of our past. He does, however, have to compare his own theory to that of Marx. after I had compared Jamaica to South Africa as a "compound society" following Radcliffe-Brown.IS Fumivall'ssketch of plural socIetIes in the colonial Far East His plural society and corporation work provide examples of viable alternatives to what he called "the familiar system model." In this paper, I would be discussing the similarities and differences found between the plantation society model and the Creole society model. Additionally it will help to gain insight view for further new approaches to the field of study. University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles. The term is interpreted to mean being Caribbean – ‘Caribbeanness’ – and goes beyond identification with one race and one place. Slavery is a system of stratification in which one person is the property of another and the slave is controlled, influenced. "Civilization existed in the Caribbean region before the coming of the Spaniards.” Discuss This coexisting has not always been peaceful, especially in territories such as Guyana which have a high percentage of Blacks and Indians. Thus the defining feature of a plural society is seen as this process of the domination of all ethnic groups by the colonial power. social life. This is a situation very much like that described by Furnivall. Caribbean Culture can be based on language, history, economic features and ethnic groups. By: M. G. Smith, Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1965. The plantation model was developed in the late 1960’s. One crucial institution in the Caribbean was the slave plantation. There is still evidence of the plantation society within the modern Caribbean Society. Smith is aware of the general sociological theory of Talcott Parsons and its assumption of … How did plural society emerge in the carribbean ?Plural society emerge in the Caribbean during the period of slavery and colonization where different races was brought to the Caribbean. Four major models, the Plantation Society Model, the Plural Society Model, the Creole Society Model and the Class Society Model have been put forward to explain Caribbean society. Creolization was originated with Edward Kamau Brathwaite. In this paper, I would be discussing the similarities and differences found between the plantation society model and the Creole society model. M. G. Smith’s plural society theory and the challenge of Caribbean creolization. Kamau Brathwaite develops the theory of creolization partly in response to the legacy of racists thoughts that influenced the writing of the history of the Caribbean region. societies. At the beginning of the course, if someone had asked me what is society or who are the members of the Bahamian society, my answer would have been ‘I don’t know.’ Now if someone were to ask me this, I would be able to answer that society is a population of people living in the same geographic area who share a culture and common identity and whose members fall under the same political. For the purpose of this discussion, “cultural identity” broadly refers to the shared beliefs and behaviours of a group, that form the basis for creating meaning for the persons who count themselves to be a part of the culture. This includes former British colonies that are now independent liberal democracies, such as Jamaica and the small states of the eastern Caribbean, the “associated” and “dependent” liberal democracies in the French départements and the Netherlands Antilles, and the “failed” state of Haiti. Pp. Duck­worth, London. As a result of The United States has developed as neither homogeneous nor plural but heterogeneous. The Creolization model is presented as an alternative to the plural society Smith, M. G. (1965) The Plural Society in the British West Indies. What is a Pluralistic Society and What are Its Pros and Cons? And the fact that the cultural division in the Caribbean is race-based only strengthens the plural society’s argument. The dynamics of colour, race and class within Caribbean societies from early years of colonization have been the anchor of historical research. These data raise doubts about the plural society thesis of Caribbean societies, which portrays static and entirely separate legal and customary land-tenure systems. Plural Society Theory Explained (ctd.) Some of these groups were the Ciboney, Taino and Kalinago also known as the Caribs and Arawaks respectively, The subject of Sociology has impacted my understanding of the Bahamian society as I can now apply several sociological theories and definitions to the Bahamian society and understand who the Bahamian society is composed up, how it functions, why certain acts are or are not committed in the Bahamian society an how people come to be labelled in the Bahamian society. Plural Society • Smith argues that most societies in the Caribbean are plural societies where there exists significant cultural diversity and race antagonism • Various ethnic groups have their own socio-economic institutions but not their own political system • It is the cultural and race diversity that causes the discord between the cultural groups. 22-42. This has subsequently resulted in contemporary Caribbean society bearing strong structural resemblances to plantation society of the slave and indentureship era. Missing is the language by which to acknowledge these factors as part of a single process. 1. The plural segments in colonial society operate according to a different dynamic which it is the purpose of plural society theory to explain. A unpredictabln future 1e 7 4. after I had compared Jamaica to South Africa as a "compound society" following Radcliffe-Brown.IS Fumivall'ssketch of plural socIetIes in the colonial Far East The land-tenure systems of the peasantries and the elites have been analysed within this context. XVII + 359, Index, $ 7.00. Lecture 6: Models of Caribbean Society Plantation society The plantation society is characteristic of the period of slavery and is thus representative of a distinct aspect of our past. In this paper, I would be discussing the similarities and differences found between the plantation society model and the Creole society model. Dr. Damian Greaves. Smith, M. G. (1964) Corporations and Society. He cannot accept that group formation occurs between those having the same or different relations to the means of production, nor that ”in the social production of the means of life men enter into circumstances which are independent of their will.” For Smith the culture of ethnic groups in a plural society is not simply determined in this way. Article visualizations: Jamaica was from any society I knew or had read of in anthropology. There are more than 2400 castes, many religions but people meet each other as an individual. CARIBBEAN. The case of South Africa is of special interest, calling for an analysis of a society based upon rural labor migrating to the gold mines. ISBN 978-976-637-533-1 [Book Section] The Plural Society of the Caribbean was a by-product of the Plantation System, as labourers from many geographical locations has to learn how to co-exist in the limited space afforded to them. 7:34 . Lecture 6: Models of Caribbean Society Plantation society The plantation society is characteristic of the period of slavery and is thus representative of a distinct aspect of our past. 2011. Plural Society In The Caribbean 1638 Words | 7 Pages. The creole malaise is a phenomenon dated since the abolition of slavery affecting the positive integration of the “ti-creoles” in the Mauritian society. It was a place of residence as well as a place of work. The theory expounds on the cultural values of the Africans and their descendants, as a reaction to Introduction According to Burton Benedict (1962) “when one talks about stratification, one is talking about structure. Despres According to Merriam-Webster the word “ethnic" means as of or relating to large groups of people classed according to common racial, national, tribal, religious, linguistic, or cultural origin or background. The plantation model was developed in the late 1960’s. A colonial society is a captive society. Civilization as defined by the World Wide Web is the process by which a society or place reaches an advanced stage of social development and organization. Smith uses “culture” to mean social institutions, i.e. 3. For example in any shop, there can be many people of different religion working under the same roof. of the Caribbean has been that of the theoretical adequacy of the idea of a plural society. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. PLURAL SOCIETY meaning & explanation - Duration: 7:34. Ethnic and Racial Studies 4(1): 1 25. Collier Books, New York. Introduction into the Creolization theory What is Creolization? How might we in a plural society, though, act for the good of all regardless of views? As he sees it, this is a capitalism quite different from that which grew slowly over hundreds of years and maintained its moral roots. THE CARIBBEAN: ONE AND DIVISIBLE Jean Casimir UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN Santiago, Chile, 1992 . Plural Society In The Caribbean 1638 Words | 7 Pages. CARIBBEAN. A plural society they posit is characterized by cultural sections each displaying its own distinct patterns of socio-cultural integration. George Beckford 1934-1990 George Beckford's Plantation Model Coined the Plantation society theory in 1972, which followed the Maxist ideology. M. G. Smith’s theory has to take account of this. Plantation Society and Creole Society There is a vast range of cultural diversity in the Caribbean today. To put this in more concrete terms, blacks are descended from slaves, Indians from indentured laborers. Occupation in itself is an institution, and the evidence put forward strongly supports its racial basis. (1933) The Division of Labor in Society. Creole Language is often considered to be a pidgin, simply because it is a mixture of different languages. As a result of this different ethnic groups practice their own culture, language, religion, norm and values or adopting to the culture of the planters while they kept certain aspect of … But the Caribbean slave plantation comes into existence when capitalism directs horticultural production to the market. The plural society thesis is highly developed for the Caribbean region, the oldest colonial sphere with the most pronounced plantation systems, where social and cultural pluralism has been described as including legal institutions. The Caribbean has since shed many of the harsh rigidities of the system in favour of more liberal social order but many elements of the plantation system still remain today. From that period on, plural societies featured as a separate concept in Caribbean social sciences (cf. People with different backgrounds, belief systems, opinions, likes, and dislikes co-exist in the same society. The Caribbean stratification system has been influenced by its history of Colonialism, Plantation Slavery and Indentureship. This evidence can be seen from first analyzing various aspects of the plantation system or society, such as the; lifestyle, mentality, social structure and economic model associated with this social system. Plantation Society and Creole Society There is a vast range of cultural diversity in the Caribbean today. Plural Societies and hunting Regimes. Sociologists use the term social stratification to refer to a society’s classification of its people into rankings of socioeconomic conditions based on aspects such as religion, income, race, education, and family background. sides of the Caribbean antinomy are definitely present in his work: the issue of domination and the issue of a creative cultural capacity among a subordinate class. Boeke wrote that in the economy of Netherlands India ”there is a materialism, rationalism and individualism and a concentration on economic ends far more complete and absolute than in homogeneous Western lands” (quoted in Furnivall 1939: 452). The plantation model was developed in … Caribbean Reasonings: M. G. Smith: Social theory and anthropology in the Caribbean and beyond. I also suggested that there are sites of memory (lieux de mémoire) because there are no longer real environments of memory (milieux de mémoire). The Caribbean society is a multi-ethnic community of peoples who were forcefully taken away from their homes, mostly from Africa as slaves. It basically argues that the boundaries of ethnic groups and identities can be fluid and can be redrawn depending on external and internal factors. So far as resistance and struggle within the new system are concerned, Fanonism lays emphasis upon the national struggle, which would take precedence over class struggle. Some sociologists noted that the plantation society of the past still exists as a model for explaining the structures … When people with different origins, backgrounds, belief systems, and other differences come together to form society and live in it, then such society is known as pluralistic society. Mauritian Creole began with the arrival of the French settlers in the start of the Eighteenth Century. Smith collaborated with the South African Leo Kuper in producing a series of essays on Africa and also turned his attention to the United States in his book Corporations and Society. Leo Despres (1967) rethematised M.G. Culture refers to the way of life of its members; Critically analyze the contribution of the Plural Society Model to your understanding of Caribbean Social Structure in the post -independence era. March 5th,2018. Free Press, Glencoe, IL. Plantation Society. The plantation-society thesis identifies the institution of the plantation, and along with it the experience and legacy of slavery, as central in Caribbean. The Caribbean constitutes the “definitive†community of others, a community in which one never precisely knows who one’s neighbour is. population. o Some sociologists noted that the plantation society of the past still exists as a model for explaining the structures of the current society. Much of the art produced during the Colonial Latin America is from this wide variety of peoples backgrounds (Bailey). When one seeks to examine the Caribbean region, there is a clear recognition that the classification of its culture would be that of a subjugated culture due to the historical development of the region. Introduction The term plural society was coined by J.S Furnivall and later continued in more depth by M.G Smith. Whereas Furnivall sees the different ethnic groups as bound together by the economic fact of the marketplace, Smith sees them as bound together by a political institution, the colonial state. The Audiopedia 6,238 views. CULTURAL STUDIESCREOLE AND PLURAL SOCIETYHowardine FullerCH20170332CREOLE SOCIETYThe term creole society can be defined as cultures, norms, and values that derived in the old world but were developed in the new world (Caribbean)What is creole society?How did creole society emerge?According to creole society emerge in the Caribbean … Although, most of the islands are currently politically independent, I believe the heritage of the region continues to influence our current social structure. CONTENTS Page Chapter 1 : INTRODUCTION 7 1. See Smith, M. G., The plural society in the British West Indies (Berkeley, CA, 1965); Brathwaite, The development of creole society… As is well known M. G. Smith has been one of the leading pro Introduction The term plural society was coined by J.S Furnivall and later continued in more depth by M.G Smith. Similar developments occur in mining. The origins of creolization for the Caribbean region arguably lie in the contested and interrelated processes of colonization, slavery, and migration that both brought the New World into being and gave it impetus and direction. Beckford not … Durkheim, IE. The Plural Society Debate: Some Comments on a Recent Contribution By H. I. McKenzie One of the main issues dividing social scientists concerned with the study of the Caribbean has been that of the theoretical adequacy of the idea of a plural society. M. C. Smith (1965a), with his model of the plural society, provides the counterpoint to Towar a form of sociadl developmen 1t 1 3. Nations of Asia and Africa, freed from colonial rule, tried to build their own literary composition on the lines of their national culture. However, Caribbean society as a plural society. Indeed, since the plantation society was a particular class of society with distinguishing characteristics of social structure and political organization, and laws of motion governing social change (Barrow and Reddock, 2001). Socia group ans dl categories 20 5. In this paper, I would be discussing the similarities and differences found between the plantation society model and the Creole society model. Models of Caribbean societies. 1638 Words7 Pages. This section explores the myriad knowledge and ideas which have been established by various school of thoughts over the years on poverty and the topic ‘le malaise creole”. What is PLURAL SOCIETY? M.G. Both societies played a dominant role in the social, political and cultural life of the Caribbean. Jamaica was from any society I knew or had read of in anthropology. When one talks about plural societies, one is … M. G. Smith wrote originally about Grenada but his theory of the plural society has been widely used in the analysis of colonial and postcolonial societies in the Caribbean. The plural society model becomes clear to see in the consideration of the racial association and distribution of occupation. In their distinct and separate national identities as Europeans, East Indians, Amerindians and Africans, Caribbean territories could not achieve any socio-political and economic stability, but Creolization offers endless possibilities for socio-cultural, economic and political fulfillment as a plural society. sides of the Caribbean antinomy are definitely present in his work: the issue of domination and the issue of a creative cultural capacity among a subordinate class. The Plural Society of the Caribbean was a by-product of the Plantation System, as labourers from many geographical locations has to learn how to co-exist in the limited space afforded to them. The purpose of this essay is to attempt an analysis - albeit a preliminary one - of the shifting ethnic configurations in the plural society of Trinidad and Tobago with the help of a push-pull model. plantation society is characteristic of the period of slavery and is thus representative of a distinct aspect of our past. Plantation Society Model A particular class of society with distinguishing characteristics of social … Dualis and legitimizatiomn of power … The region developed purely as a tool for the wealth of Europe, through the labour of enslaved and dominated peoples: Tainos and Caribs, Africans, Indians and Chinese. In fact, he sees the plantation as one form of political institution. Twentieth century Africa has witnessed changes of far reaching consequences in all stages of life. The social organisation and culture associated with plantation. CARIBBEAN MUSIC Introduction: Caribbean music originated from the Caribbean Islands, also known as the West Indies, and is a mixture of West African and European predominantly Spanish influences.The music has its origin when West African slaves were brought to Caribbean Island. The sense of solidarity on which morality depends is to be found within the different ethnic groups when they go home from the marketplace. Chinese and West Indians in different situation by different scholars definition of a distinct aspect of our past,..., Jews, Chinese and West Indians was from any society I or! Its Pros and Cons three main systems of social stratification still exist plural society model in the caribbean! Caribbean society as an individual the elites have been analysed within this context plural society 1 different situation by scholars! The Eighteenth century groped about '' for some alternative societal model17 until Daryll Forde advised me to read Furnlvall from... 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