Higher protein and nutrition ultimately means you are fueling the deer on your property with everything they need to grow bigger bodies, healthier fawns, and larger racks too. Never had a food plot but used to spray 10-34-0 with LB urea and micronutrients on literally thousands of acres of cotton. $57.00 $ 57. By using our website, you accept our use of cookies. Calcium is vital to the development of deer antler growth and eggshell strength in turkeys. Clover and other legumes like beans and alfalfa also benefit from higher doses of potassium, … Regardless of what you’re hunting, food plots make a massive difference. AlfaPower MP (2.5 Gallons) … An added benefit of using M.E.E.N. Mossy Oak is proud to have its pattern, Elements Terra Gila, featured on the all-new Impulse Predator by Savage Arms. PlotBoost ® is a spray applied to actively growing plants to promote better growth and fertilizer uptake, greater resistance to drought, disease and insects, … Also, spraying a food plot requires water – in that regard, you get a little bit of an irrigation bump to kick start your seeds. Plot Dr. Most hunters are somewhat familiar with food plot creation these days, and companies like Mossy Oak, with their Biologic products, have made it even easier providing mixtures that grow decent crops with very little soil preparation. Hopefully this will help give you a framework for how to fertilize your soil bed for food plots. A successful hunt begins with establishing feeding routines and BGF fertilized food plots keep them coming back for more. M.E.E.N. ALL-PURPOSE FOLIAR FERTILIZER (The best way yet to fertilize your food plots) The foliar fertilizer (absorbed by the plant through leaves/stems) is more reliable than granular fertilizers … On each bag of fertilizer there will be three numbers corresponding to the ratio or nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium per 100 pounds. When using products in combination always do a small jar test to make sure they are compatible. Team RealTree Food Plot Fertilizer 8-14-30. Plot Max. It’s widely available in a variety of strengths, including 24-8-16, which is a blend of … Second, it works like a mineral lick. When you consider the time and effort of preparing and planting a food plot with the intention to feed deer throughout the season, it’s a little foolish to not give it everything it needs to thrive. That’s definitely better than nothing, but it really only provides the three main nutrients: Nitrogen (N), Phosphorous (P), and Potassium (K). Size: Clear: FOLIAR FORMULA quantity. After you’ve planted and the seeds have germinated—and throughout the growing season—you will need to keep fertilizing the plots, so they remain vigorous and attractive to deer. Self-filming fishing is a different animal than self-filming hunting. Over the years, I've gone to great lengths to bring home thousands of pounds of wild game. ... Grasshopper 19-19-19 Foliar Fertilizer. Just about anyone that has put on waders and thrown out decoys has had a destination, species or hunt that they always wanted to take. Using Liquid Fertilizer for Food Plots Attracts Game “Using our liquid fertilizer for food plots works at attracting game in two ways,” Grantham revealed. Since the fertilizer is liquid, once it is applied directly to the foliage of the plant, it instantly begins absorbing and using the nutrient. Covers over five acres with one gallon concentrate. Grasshopper 19-19-19 Foliar Fertilizer. 4.5 out of 5 stars 227. BGF is one of the most advanced foliar fertilizers on the Planet packing your food plot … Home :: Wildlife Food Plot Products :: Fertilizer & Foliar Feeders Fertilizer & Foliar Feeders. Food Plot Fertilizer and Lime. Beyond that, you might get better food plot equipment to improve your efficiency. 4.5 out of 5 stars 15. These formulations will often be about 75 lbs of N per acre. There is a soil formula and a foliar formula, both of which come as a concentrate that is mixed into a water tank and sprayed onto your plot or plants. Food plots have to be large enough. Glyphosate has to be taken up by the weed and translocated within the plant. 24 oz Ready To Use Spray bottle of Buck Gro Foliar, best liquid fertilizer for deer food plots. Micro nutrition mineral spray that enhances plant growth benefiting all wildlife on your property. What DoThe 3 Numbers on a Bag or Gallon of Liquid Fertilizer Mean? Your first time, you might try a small hunting plot just to cut your teeth. On a small food plot or on the corner/edge of a larger ag field, you could spray ¼ acre with this foliar formula to enhance and make it more attractive, which should bring the deer in closer for a shot. For more information on subscribing or joining visit Mossy Oak GameKeepers Club. The slow release action in BGF will continually feed the plant over a 4-6 week period assuring you plenty of action during that time. Feeding your plants through the foliage can give an instant boost in growth and health of the plant. Often a hunter spends days, weeks, and in some cases years looking for the perfect food plot seed to put into the ground. Huge inventory. The spray that hits the dirt doesn’t, as it’s absorbed into the plant through direct contact. NutraTender has an optimum … First, it’s ease of handling, application, and blending. Green is readily absorbed by the weeds thereby speeding up the absorption of the glyphosate and killing the weed faster. Save Up To See price at checkout Click here for more details. Foliar feeding helps young seedlings produce bigger root systems that aid in the growth and palatability of the food plot. In my opinion, foliar fertilizers are not great substitutes … This is where the addition of M.E.E.N. Antler King® Jolt Foliar Fertilizer. The hunters asked, and The Missouri Department of Conservation listened. A half-acre won’t support more than 1 deer usually, so if you cannot plant decent sized plots … BioLogic Winter Bulbs & Sugar Beets Annual Food Plot Seed. Perennials like red and white clovers, alfalfa, trefoils and chicory provide dependable nutrition and attraction and are especially important for antler growth, fawn rearing and early hunting season attraction. Benefits of Foliar Fertilizer; 10 Common Food Plot Mistakes to Avoid This Year; CONTACT; BONE COLLECTORⓇ FOLIAR FORMULA $ 7.00 – $ 8,250.00. $16.98 $ 16. About all outdoorsmen have things they’d rather do on weekends than mow the grass on green fields planted for wildlife to increase the amount of food to make deer and turkeys easier to find and take. Many people assume they could just run to the local farm and feed store to pick up some bags of 10-10-10 or Triple 13 fertilizer to spread on their food plots. Soil Conditioner. “One, it makes the food plot taste better, which makes the deer and turkeys want to eat it more. ALL-PURPOSE FOLIAR FERTILIZER (The best way yet to fertilize your food plots) The foliar fertilizer (absorbed by the plant through leaves/stems) is more reliable than granular fertilizers because you do not have to rely on rain to dissolve and wash down to plant roots. Will last in and on the plants for over 2 months rain or shine. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. This brings us to the 6.8 Western. Food plot fertilizer obviously feeds plants the essential nutrients they need to grow well and increase the total yield/biomass – that’s one of the main reasons we use it. While fertilized fields may look lush and green, unfertilized fields may look spindly and yellow. Food plots have taken on a life of their own in the world of hunting. Green is that you will have some residual nutrients for your food plot to get off to a great start. BGF is one of the most advanced foliar fertilizers on the Planet packing your food plot … If you are using a non-selective herbicide such as glyphosate to kill weeds, the addition of M.E.E.N. We are a family owned company that cares about providing the best solutions to farmers, and personal service, because . The hunt of a lifetime for me may be very different for you. For example, think of a historic prairie field in the Midwest that has been moderately farmed – the soils should be great compared to a heavily farmed ridge-top field in Virginia. BGF is one of the most advanced foliar fertilizers on the Planet packing your food plot with nutrition and flavor. We'd go up to a gallon/acre of the 10-34 with 2-3 lbs of … The boat is moving more than the movement you’ll have while hunting. Phosphorus, along with calcium, is essential for rack growth in bucks. Jolt will be successful on all food plots varieties including soy beans and corn and costs a fraction of the cost of granular fertilizer. Clark’s Plot Nutrients is different because it is a foliar application and is readily absorbed by plants. BGF is one of the most advanced foliar fertilizers on the Planet packing your food plot with nutrition and flavor. Liquid fertilizer is applied as a foliar for land management. On the surface, it looks like the folks at Winchester and Browning have really had their nose to the grindstone on this one. Antler King’s ® JOLT Foliar Fertilizer is easy to use — just mix with water and spray over any food plot after plants are at least 3 inches tall. 1 gallon equivalent to 1 ton (2000 lbs.) Plot Dr. 3-Step Process: 1. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Basically, the plants absorb the fertilizer formula through the leaf surface instead of the roots. Food plots that are foliar fed by M.E.E.N. Sprayed on natural browse and food plots deer already love to eat. Mix with water and spray over any food plot with plants 3″ tall or taller. Great for building soils with the humic and fulvic acids to increase … PlotBoost’s ® positively impacts both the soil and plant to maximize the yield, health, and quality of any food plot. Not all camp coffee makers are equal. Your email address will not be published. As a result, deer munching on food plots fertilized with liquid fertilizer … (20,000 lbs total weight x .20 % dry = 4000 lbs dry matter). The Buck Gro® Foliar Formula (BGF) is also a slow-release diluted fertilizer that will continually feed the plant over a 4 to 6 week period. That’s why it’s a good idea to fertilize clover with a mix higher in phosphorous, which promotes root growth, and lower in nitrogen. FREE Shipping. Or keep it otherwise watered. To use a fertilizer grade to determine a fertilizer ratio, divide each number of the fertilizer … Miracle-Gro Shake 'N Feed All Purpose Plant Food, 4.5 lb. AgriTec International provides an array of soil treatments, fertilizers, foliar feeds and nutrient blends that are all in liquid form making them easy to apply and quickly available to the plant and to the soil. With conventional dry granular fertilizer, you have to pray that it will rain to dissolve the granular fertilizer and wash it down to the roots of the plants. Covers over five acres with one gallon concentrate. But fertilizer also makes the plants better able to withstand harsh conditions (e.g., drought, browse pressure, etc.) Fertilizer is often one of the most overlooked parts of food plotting and with very little work is one of the only things that you can get perfect. Green will hasten the uptake of the herbicide greatly increasing the efficacy of the herbicide. In many soils, that also leaves the plant lacking in several other areas, which means it can’t grow to its true potential. 98 $19.99 $19.99. Buck Gro Foliar Formula (BGF) is the “Ultimate Package” for foliar feeding your up and growing food plot. Foliar Fertilizer is a dilute fertilizer solutions applied directly to plant leaves. Liquid Lime from Plot Dr. is not only an alternative to hauling in bags and bags of ag or pelletized lime, it can also adjust your soil pH FAR more rapidly than other forms of lime. Maybe it makes the plants taste better or deer can just smell the higher nutritional value, but deer definitely respond more to fertilized food plots vs. unfertilized plots. Will last in and on the plants for over 2 months rain or shine. This article is courtesy of the GameKeepers Farming for Wildlife publication, a quarterly wildlife and land management magazine produced by the Mossy Oak GameKeepers. we understand what it really means to be a farmer. Rates vary depending upon soil samples. Plot Dr. When using herbicides to kill the weeds in your food plots before planting, M.E.E.N. Foliar fertilizers are good short term fixes and a big help in specific situations. Jolt is a great way to help your micro plots out grow over-grazing and is easy to apply with the use of a backpack sprayer or pull-behind sprayer. This is … Have you heard about Liquid Lime yet? Without it, you’re honestly losing out on many of the benefits and not seeing the plot’s true potential. 4.3 out of 5 stars 59. Therefore, within a few hours, 80-90% of the fertilizer is already in the plant … Or, better yet, get your fertilizer custom mixed at the supplier. Green will increase the efficacy of the glyphosate. Grow an amazing food plot that will help grow monster deer! Jolt Foliar Fertilizer will maximize the tonnage available in your food plot and can be applied bi-weekly, monthly or once per season. Green are more palatable to deer, because they are getting the vital nutrients they need to produce the sugars, amino acids, and carbohydrates within the plant. But in general, soil tests for food plots will usually show a deficiency somewhere, meaning your plants won’t grow as well as they could. Sprayed on natural browse and food plots deer already love to eat. 00. GREEN water-soluble spray-on fertilizer is to your green field what Mossy Oak’s FULL POTENTIAL is to your deer herd. because they are healthier, to begin … But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. With conventional dry granular fertilizer, you have to … Fertilizer ratios tell you, by weight, how much of a particular fertilizer to add to your fertilizer mix. Green Fertilizer, Understand How to Equip the Beginner Turkey Hunter, Trekking the Trails: Best Hiking Destinations for 2021, Savage Arms Selects Mossy Oak Camo for NEW Impulse Predator Rifle, Missouri Provides More Opportunities For Hunting Feral Hogs And Coyotes With New Regulation Changes For 2021, Stephen Reinhold on How to Self-Film Fishing, Steven Reinhold on Self-Filming Predator Hunts, Planning Your Waterfowl Hunt of A Lifetime, Getting The Most Out Of Your Clover Food Plots. Product Rating is 4. How To Make A Best Deer Food Plots The Best And Most. But I like to hunt light, and the older I get, the lighter I travel when turkey hunting. BioLogic Winter Bulbs & Sugar Beets Annual Food Plot … Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. But at some point, you start to really realize how important fertilizer is when growing food plots. Scotts Southern Turf Builder Lawn Food - Florida Fertilizer, 10M. Plot Dr Foliar: is a carbon-based nutrient package that will improve nutrient uptake, nutrient efficiency and plant growth. Much of the country has experienced a late spring this year with temperatures that stayed below normal well into April. Antler King Jolt Liquid Fertilizer. There are a number of advantages in utilizing shiners along with bluegill and threadfin shad, shiners are temperature tolerant so there is no winter kill. It’s a game-changing product for food plotters. But the odds are good; 90-percent or more of the antlers you discover are going to be found in one of three locations. Micro … Displaying 1 to 8 (of 8 products) AlfaPower MP - 2.5 Gallons. But fertilizer also makes the plants better able to withstand harsh conditions (e.g., drought, browse pressure, etc.) If using a selective herbicide in your food plots, such as Weed Reaper to kill grasses, the same principles apply. NutraTender is a fully chelated nutrient solution and is designed to be used as a foliar fertilizer for wildlife food plots, turf grass, pastures, and for use on any crop. Plot Dr. the next chapter in food plot fertility has arrived with Plot Dr.! This fertilizer should help you get the maximum potential from your green field plantings for the deer and other wildlife that feed on it. Spreading additional nitrogen likely won’t have any benefit to the clover, but it will feed unwanted grasses in your food plot, creating more competition for other nutrients, moisture and root space. As with soil application of fertilizer, the goal is to supply plants with the nutrients needed for good growth. Healthy, High Yielding Food Plots PlotBoost’s ® supplies a natural and proprietary blend of complex carbohydrates, amino acids, and micro-nutrients you simply can’t get from traditional fertilizers. Add to cart. Secondly, Buck Gro fertilizer provides a good dose of the valuable N-P-K that plants need, while also offering other micronutrients, minerals, carbon sources, and several other nutritional elements that most people neglect (e.g., amino acids, proteins, enzymes, etc.). 4.4 (124) was save . Green comes into play. Alabama Liquid Fertilizer and Supply Inc. Alabama Liquid Fertilizer provides liquid foliar fertilizer for food plots… A successful hunt begins with establishing feeding routines and BGF fertilized food plots keep them coming back for more. Plot Dr. truly is the perfect prescription for your food plots! Your email address will not be published. With Buck Gro® fertilizer, there’s an easy way for you to prepare and nourish your plants so that they get as nutritious and attractive as possible. Amplify Your Hunting … After you plant your food plot, simply go back over and spray it with the soil fertilizer – BGS can be applied by any kind of sprayer (e.g., backpack sprayers for small plots, tractor sprayers for big fields) by spraying the ground surface at the time of planting. We recommend golden shiners for every new pond that is stocked for trophy bass management. The 24 oz Ready To Use Spray bottle of Buck Gro Foliar is handy for hitting the vegetation near your favorite treestand or hunting location. The Correct Fertilizer For A Clover Food Plot. FREE Shipping on your first order shipped by Amazon. For example if your perennial clover mix produced 10 ton of wet forage per that season at an average moisture content of 80%, that would be 4000 lbs of dry matter. Here are some tips and techniques used to bring home everything from musk oxen and moose to tiny quail and wild turkeys. Additionally, deer plot fertilizer makes plants more nutritious (which translates into higher protein levels) and thus attractive to deer. Visit us today. It is NOT necessarily the fertilizer … Liquid fertilizer is applied as a foliar for land management. This combination drastically helps improve the quality of the plant to produce a more palatable and attractive meal for deer on your property. It seems like there are several stages to becoming an addicted food plotter. A 5-gallon case also covers up to 3 ¾ acres for larger plots or multiple sprayings throughout the summer growing season. ~ For more food plot tips, read “Getting The Most Out Of Your Clover Food Plots.” Most companies will claim a lifespan of three to five years on their perennials. SKU: 128322099. In fact, only the portion sprayed directly onto living plant tissue helps. Team Realtree Foodplot Fertilizer is a nutrient rich, easy to mix, water soluble Fertilizer… Since the fertilizer is liquid, once it is applied directly to the foliage of the plant, it instantly begins absorbing and using the nutrient. Many turkey hunters look like pack mules because they carry so much gear into the woods to try and help them take gobblers. 4.4 (124) was save . That means your food plots need high-quality soil in order to achieve the highest yield and most nutritious plants. We offer exceptional products powered by Redox, and highly recommend our simple, three-step process to ensure season-long success on your plots. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. This plant food is ideal for plants needing an organic source of phosphorus and potassium without added nitrogen fertilizer. The above tips plus adequate soil … Antler King Jolt Liquid Plot Fertilizer Antler King’s ® JOLT Foliar Fertilizer is easy to use — just mix with water and spray over any food plot after plants are at least 3 inches tall. Clark's Plot Nutrients is different because it is a foliar … Required fields are marked *. Save Up To See price at checkout Click here for more … Either hunt can be filled with memories that will be forever etched in your mind, whether good or bad. Alabama Liquid Fertilizer and Supply, Inc. 1847 Hwy. The 1st Fertilizer, Attractant and Liquid Feed – All in 1 Designed by Nuplot – Industry Leader in Food Plot Technology and Nutrition NuPlot. $ 34.99 – $ 119.99 Select options. Foliar fertilizers are designed to be sprayed on living plants. Clark's Plot Nutrients is a true liquid fertilizer that haas been designed to not only provide fertilizer to your food plot but also supply calcium. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. In addition to the added benefit of better weed control, you are also foliar feeding your food plot crops. Miracle-Gro All Purpose Plant Food is one of several fertilizer brands on the market. $29.99 $ 29. The foliar fertilizer (absorbed by the plant through leaves/stems) is more reliable than granular fertilizers because you do not have to rely on rain to dissolve and wash down to plant roots. Get your Thunderstorm Fertilizer from the pros at Thunder Ridge. As a result, deer munching on food plots fertilized with liquid fertilizer immediately begin benefitting from the enriched plants. … Green are more palatable to deer, because they are getting the vital nutrients they need to produce the sugars, amino acids, and carbohydrates within the plant. 00. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. When establishing a new food plot, a “starter fertilizer” is recommended in your soil test. Ultimately, that means good things are coming your way once hunting season opens again. Calcium is vital to the development of deer antler growth and eggshell strength in turkeys. Product Rating is 4. Buck Gro Foliar Formula (BGF) is the “Ultimate Package” for foliar feeding your up and growing food plot. Make it a combo pack Request Bulk Quote M.E.E.N. ATTRACTANT FORMULA DESIGNED WITH MINERALS DEER CRAVE But this applies mostly to small seeds (e.g., clover, brassicas, etc.) You need quality food to grow a healthier deer herd. It contains 21% Nitrogen (derived from ammonium nitrate and urea), 1% Potassium, 2% Calcium, and kelp extract (to provide other trace minerals). SKU: 128322099. 166 Elba, AL 36323 (334-233-2687) alfandsupply@gmail.com. Clark’s Plot Nutrients is a true liquid fertilizer that haas been designed to not only provide fertilizer to your food plot but also supply calcium. Rainfall has been hit or miss for a lot of food plotters this fall. Pray for rain. FREE Shipping. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Antler King's® JOLT Foliar Fertilizer is easy to use — just mix with water and spray over any food plot after plants are at least 3 inches tall. However, it is used by spraying it right onto the leaves after they’ve been growing for a while, which is called foliar feeding. Unlike healthy soils and/or correctly applied granular fertilizers, foliar fertilizers must be reapplied at regular … With conventional dry granular fertilizer, you have to pray that it will rain to dissolve the granular fertilizer … Plot Dr. Foliar can be sprayed anytime after emergence and treats up to two acres. Promotes superior plant growth and digestibility to attract big deer and have them coming back for more. $12.48 $ 12. Plants absorb through leaves and stem Spray weekly, bi-weekly or monthly Buck Gro is a different kind of product to help with your deer nutrition program. Our product is specifically … As with any product that has to be taken up by the plant, the plant must actively be growing and not drought stressed. Of better weed foliar fertilizer for food plots, you are also foliar feeding your food keep... 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