Look, calculating 'lightning' in percentages is already quite ridiculous in it of itself. sidious wins again ... the tip of Dooku's lightsaber scored a burning line across his shoulder. then they just simply aren't close... at all. Dooku will make a better battle of it before he drops, he will do better against him than he did against Yoda, obviously. Here, Sidious will start off Toying with them, he can still annihilate Maul straight away just to see Dooku's reaction. Source: The Official Starships & Vehicles Collection #48. See you in our next discussion. He was literally about to board his shuttle to escape when Anakin & Obi-Wan intercepted him. Dooku cannot defeat Sidious, but a fight between them would be as close as it gets. In an intense duel, he killed Savage and toyed with Maul, ultimately deciding not to kill his former apprentice. Still sending Force lightning with one hand, Dooku reached out with the other. Does this sound like contending to you? That is why I see the team winning for the majority. Imagine Basketball is a new sport, and only 3 people are playing. Stubbornly, using her hate the way she had told Vos to do, she summoned energy to push herself up to a kneeling position, still clutching her lightsaber. If Sidious tries to attack them both with lightning, he will get overwhelmed by Dooku's half and Maul blocks the other. Vos dived and leapt, darted and struck --. Under Yoda's tutelage, Dooku became one of the greatest sword masters the Order had ever produced - eclipsed only by Mace Windu and Yoda himself. AOTC would simply be another one of these instances. Cut half of the duel between Maul and Sidious (for time) and then look at a segment of Vader vs Ahsoka. By your logic, Padawan Anakin "Matched" Dooku. So yes, if you just watch TPM-AOTC, it looks exactly like Anakin is comparable to Dooku, and can keep up for a respectable amount of time, like he did in the movie. It's true Maul isn't a real threat to Sidious, and it's true Sidious held back, but Maul while amped is good enough to make him work for it, but not push him to his limit. apologise if this isn't the best place to say it... @anakinvader99 and @red12789 why were u guys going so off topic in my thread? That screenshot is at most a choreograph error. He is competent enough to stay alive for a short duration, but not to win. His fight with Yoda showed that no one had the upper hand, Dooku clearly was beating Anakin. What evidence or feats? There is no "resorting" to Force Lightning, anymore than Darth Vader or Savage Opress "resorted" to Force Pushes against Eeth Koth and Adi Gallia. Poor choice of words on my part. If Palpatine can separate the two for longer than a couple seconds, he could very possibly win. I wasn’t trying to imply that Dooku absorbs Palpatine’s lightning with Tutaminus like Yoda did. Facing each other again, their blades met, clashed, froze..."Cunning, are you," Yoda said, breathing hard. Snarling, Ventress charged at Dooku, reveling in the strength of her muscles as she dealt strike after strike. ", Fans will be anxious to see Anakin Skywalker, the man who will be Darth Vader, in action. If I can recall correctly, the only person to EVER successfully block Palpatine's lightning were Yoda and Mace, and both of them were pushed to the absolute brink in doing so. Hochwertige Postkarten zum Thema Dooku von unabhängigen Künstlern und Designern aus aller Welt. Dooku can't get ragdolled because he is a peer of Mace and Yoda who are both unable to be ragdolled by Sidious and unable to ragdoll Dooku. Again, that's my point. She had clashed with Jedi. He doesn't need ragdoll, all he needs to do is quickly incapacitate, seriously injure or kill them with the force. If you don’t mind, it is extremely late at night where I live. His enemies came on and on, struck quickly but clumsily, got in each other’s way. When Dooku attempted this, Asajj came back for revenge. Even in the novel Labyrinth of Evil, it's stated that Dooku ran away, not because of Yoda but because he had to safeguard the plans for the 'ultimate weapon' or something along those lines. Dooku konnte ja in Ep 2 auch einigermaßen mit Yoda mithalten, wurde dann aber doch Rrecht deutlich von Anakin in Ep 3 geschlagen. Yoda taught many pupils throughout his years, including Dooku, who became one of the finest sword masters the Order ever produced - eclipsed only by Mace Windu and Yoda himself. Padawan Anakin held his own against Dooku for just as long. We all know Maul could have ragdolled Vizla, but he chose not to. So... yeah. When fight starts, Maul's just gonna rush in faster than dooku especially since dooku likely won't just rush sidious since he is more tactical and smarter lol. “Vos,” she warned, shouting over the explosions in the sky. But he had his own worries, his own battle to fight. Aber die Kämpfe finden doch gar nicht gleichzeitig statt. And then -- there it was. The description doesn't fit at all what was shown. Hope surged in her as she realized that they were close to the exit. Yoda wasn't able to deflect all of the pods back at palpatine though considering he lifted a mountain in a comic he should do that easily. Fresh strength surged through Vos, an inferno of shadows fueled by the poison of his raw, unchecked emotions. @richard96 I agree with most of the stuff u said about sidious being able to ragdoll maul but bloodlusted maul can still hold his own for a little while in sabers in my opinion. Do you think Sidious has the time to dish out this kind of ragdolling while Dooku is also nearby? wth? It simply shows confidence. -1: Sidious dominated them with TK at the beginning, and let them go. Dooku retreated under the assault, but to Vos it seemed as though the count didn’t have much trouble parrying the blows. Dooku absolutely would struggle and Maul would struggle even more. Maul was panting on the ground after he was disarmed, while Sidious turned his right saber off and placed it within his robe, right before lifting him with TK. Killed many. LoL. As it did now. Like I said, whether Dooku can deflect it in such a way is questionable, and he likely isn't going to use lightning against Dooku unless as a last resort. 1 Inhalt 2 Beschreibung 3 Video 4 Quelle 5 Einzelnachweise Yoda kämpft gegen seinen früheren Lehrling Count Dooku und beweist, dass er trotz seiner Größe ein mächtiger Jedi ist. Share Share Tweet Email. Ich habe es so verstanden, dass Yoda, nachdem Obi-Wan sich verkrümelt hat, sofort gegen Palpatine vorgeht und Obi-Wan zu diesem Zeitpunkt noch immer im Schrank auf der Nubian hockt. In the same novel, Dooku is also pressed by Ventress, who goes on to struggle against Kenobi. He has a lot of ways to aggressively strike at Maul without killing him and without hindering his offensive style of combat. He grabbed it and bent it to his will. Mace is only Vaapad amped in Legends. But, truth be told, Vos seemed to be holding his own against Dooku. If the lightning Palpatine shot at Mace wasn’t his strongest, he could very possibly win. He was on the defensive attempting to counter the entire time, but got overwhelmed within about twenty seconds. “Oh, no, Master Vos. @baylord: Yes Sidious wrecks them as a team, and Yoda > Sidious. Also never happened, and that's like pretending Kit losing to Ventress in CD is an anti-feat. Dooku is not stupid. But Ventress is!”. Pretending that all Star Wars material is perfectly coordinated like a hive mind makes zero sense. I think we can both agree Dooku is better than Savage in all aspects. Not really i got the impression they were quite equal. It boosts dark side users in every aspect. The fact that Maul was an unknown soldier meant there wasn’t the same emotional resonance … As you can see in the second gif, he already did that, proceeded to slam him into a wall hard enough to crack the stone, and throw him off of it onto the ground as well. Dooku is one of the most skilled duelist in all of SW. Nonetheless, we don't know whether he used his full power lightning against Mace and he probably isn't going to use lightning against Dooku anyways, unless he gets desperate. Unwilling to harm her, Vos took one step back, then another, concentrating on blocking her attack. You can not say the same for Dooku. "Here, Sidious will start off Toying with them, he can still annihilate Maul straight away". Sure, he intended to keep Maul alive but the force of his ragdolling honestly wouldn't have been much different either way. When Quinlan was unhindered, and in the dark side(as he was when he defeated him in their final duel), he gave Dooku trouble and outfought him: Enraged, Vos charged Dooku from behind. Dooku only ever performed well in their first fight when he was controlling the mental game. Poor analogy. While Dooku uses a distraction to RUN AWAY... lol. George Lucas himself stated that the intent behind the film was to show Dooku and Yoda as equals in the force, which even Dooku basically stated himself and Yoda didn't disagree with. Besting them took a few minutes, then Yoda showed up to try and stop him. Even Obi-Wan or Anakin can do that with canon feats included outside just the films. Dooku could never hope to do as well as either one of them did. The curve allowed the hilt to fit better into his hand, allowing for superior finesse and precise blad… Master Windu himself remained perfectly balanced and centered. “You can’t deceive me, Sith!” He leapt over Dooku, landing on his feet behind this man, who was the only thing that stood between him and his future with Ventress. Even though she retreated deliberately, Vos’s attack demanded every bit of her focus. Saying Dooku kept up with Yoda because Yoda didn’t abuse the force is irrelevant as Yoda also didn’t abuse the force (not counting him countering Sidious’s force attacks) against Sidious and still kept up. Literally taunting him by saying "Do something if you can" and Dooku resorted to Force Lightning? He seemed to grow stronger, his attacks more powerful, while Ventress had to draw on everything she had simply to stay alive. He was but new Galaxy of adventures series showed that Yoda was extremly holding back and toying not to kill him and he did not want to use force on him, Dooku is not close to Yoda level, the fight between them had a context that i explained above and Maul is fodder, he can one-shot him while fighting Dooku and then wreck him. So Palpatine might not have actually thrown the lightsaber duel as many seem to think. Trying to argue different writers is a huge stretch and a terrible argument to make. He leapt, sprang, ducked, and tumbled. Vos leaned against the wall, panting, his torso slick with blood and sweat. You can't take that version of Ventress and pretend it's the same Ventress in TCW or even other novels. He also didn’t typically use the force against Sidious unless he was countering Sidious’s force attack, and he still was able to keep up with Sidious. ROTS/TCW however establish that a better Anakin generally performs much worse, and that Dooku is constantly testing Anakin. Micheal Jordan, Lebron James, and Me. Yours is a wholly unsubstantiated assertion -- nothing in the text indicates that Dooku was badly beaten: They duel for a bit, Quinlan's stylistic edge gives him the upper hand, and Dooku is disarmed. And because that was the only breach of guard in their last fight, the point goes to Anakin -- but it's no more impressive than Qui-Gon backhanding Maul off the walkway. Thanks for the discussion. How did that not happen again? Her left-hand saber sliced his arm but as sparks flew he dove away from her left blade, leaning into a glancing blow from her right. Even then, an argument can be made for the fact that he may not be. Maul’s saber spun out of his hand, bouncing away across the floor. @baylord: Well, will have to agree to disagree. “Insolent whelp,” snapped Dooku, parrying Skywalker’s strike. That is what close is. I'm not saying Maul ~/= Mace, Because Mace was enormously, enormously Vapaad amped, a solid two tiers above Maul at that point. A second time, the hum of her lightsaber alerted Vos to Ventress’s presence, and he again whirled to parry her attack from behind. So even if he was holding back it was by VERY little. Smirking at an opponent does not mean one isn’t trying. Because Maul has no feats or even scaling to even remotely imply that he could. Although this scene is only present in the book, the Siths' preparations make very clear that Dooku knows the entire thing is a setup and speaks with Palpatine as he does with Sidious in the films. But then Dooku rallied and pressed the attack. I see this strategy working more effectively on Maul though, as Maul would get overwhelmed by Sidious' force powers more easily than Dooku, and Dooku would also likely recover from Sidious' strike slower than an enraged Maul will. The Key word is IF.". well maul is rage-amped is he not?? It’s the same in this scenario with Ian McDiarmid. Dooku takes the time to lecture Mace about how useless his death would be, then there's an unknown gap of time between Dooku ending his lecture and telling Mace he's not going to die today. If it were the writer’s words or the director’s words I’d take it significantly more seriously. Dooku and Sidious both went against a Yoda that didn’t use force abilities offensively, and while Dooku ultimately would have lost, he faired very well. Skywalker got his lightsaber up and held his own, slitting his eyes against the blue glare and flying sparks. Granted that is his lightning and not Sidious’s which one can assume would be more powerful. The Sith Lord whirled, catching Vos’s strike with his own weapon and twisting his wrist to parry. Each time he “stomped him with the force” Maul was either fighting Palpatine 1v1 or only had Savage’s help who is significantly lower than Dooku in all aspects. Rn, canon depicts them as around equal. They were potrayed more like equals lol. yes but he can only do that thru the force. The same goes for enraged Maul, who can compete with Sidious in such an amplified state as he is in this thread: Uhh, Obi-Wan could not fight Dooku either, if you recall: Dooku losing to Anakin must have lowered Yoda's opinion of him. What scaling does Maul have, what feats does he have to imply that this will not be the case. Sweat ran in streams through Dooku's beard as he countered Yoda's every move, and his lips were white.". With renewed will, he struck again, but his green blade was caught by Dooku’s red one as Dooku countered and leaned in. The Clone Wars presented fans with Dooku's apprentice Asajj Ventress, of whom Palpatine ordered the death. Remember, you challenged my post that was made before the OP clarified this was canon only -- a post that argued with legends content as well as canon: You attacked on the legends battlefield, and that's how I've been responding. The red lightsaber returned to its owner, and the fight continued. Considering it is not the Jedi way to kill, they aren't exactly going for the throat right away either. If he does that, he won't have to deal with both of the duo at once, he'll have a lot more space, and would likely abuse his force powers. Source: The Official Star Wars Fact File #60. I don't think he can regulate his power like this.. He doesn't need to kill or ragdoll Dooku or Maul with the force, all he needs to do is seriously injure or incapacitate them, both of which he is capable of doing, then deal with the other. Him and Dooku are near the same level and Dooku actually has more experience in force abilities like lightning because he literally uses them. That was the opinion of the author, and what went into the text. Generally, being close means being able to contend with someone. The nature of a rage amp itself. And even he was only BARELY able to do it. Source: The Official Star Wars Fact File #68. Because Maul has no feats or even scaling to even remotely imply that he could. We don't separate a character based on who is writing them. Dooku being near Yoda level is very questionable. Rage amped Maul tanked all of this and was still fully conscious and could form coherent sentences pleading for his mercy. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Dooku made claws of his hands, and Force lightning crackled in the space between him and Anakin. The pain was excruciating, but Ventress remained conscious long enough to see that Dooku wasn’t yet done. Sidious and Vadakin are above their opponents, but they can lose. You are a very civil and adequate debater (although, we didn’t really debate, more so just had a discussion. Being able to stay alive doesn't put you "close" to Yoda or Maces level. Unless you truly don't care about on-screen and logical implication and need a source to confirm everything, you'd see why it makes sense. Maul is generally considered an 8 or a high 7. Anakin was pretty hindered in the mustafar fight, and while Obi Wan was, it likely wasn't to the extent Anakin was. If anything Sheev was handicapping himself in the fight because he explicitly did not want to kill Maul. It's the most logical explanation imo”, “ I agree with most of the stuff u said about sidious being able to ragdoll maul but bloodlusted maul can still hold his own for a little while in sabers in my opinion”. Except Dooku, Yoda and Mace Windu are not the only 3 Jedi to ever wield lightsabers... the Jedi have existed for millennia and are almost without exception all lightsaber-wielding warriors who train their entire lives in the art. Sidious is basically equalled by Yoda in a force contest and Dooku has been stated in both canon and Legends and shown in the very AOTC film itself to be Yoda's equal in the force. So throughout the clone wars series Dooku plans to overthrow Palpatine and trains several apprentices who fail him. His throat was raw from primal cries as he went after Dooku with everything he had. For reference, Anakin lasted 47 seconds against Dooku. Dooku is telling Mace that his death will not end the war. No Sith ever is going to even imagine a world where "someone might kill them". And again, defending yourself briefly does not equate to matching them. Ventress. Of course, even with the help of Savage Opress, Asajj suffered a humiliating defeat to Dooku, letting her know that her status as a master of Savage does not improve her skill. Emperor is an extreme multitasker,and even Vader could hold door closed with force while deflecting blasters from group of rebels, killing them and using force to disarm and ragdoll them, all while holding door closed at the same time, so that is hardly problem, and he does not need to choke him, he can just instantly one shot him with gesture and then stomp Dooku, that is not unlikely that is what would happend, claiming that Maul is anything more than an insect to Palaptien is extreme lowballing, He can easily one shot Maul regardless of him being bloodlusted or not, if he was not then it would be even more easy( and its already very easy for him to do so). "Doesn't really matter. ATOC Anakin and Kenobi matched Dooku for just as long. Again, if Sidious tries to ragdoll Maul, he's open to getting shot with lightning by Dooku. He stood tall, imposing, and as Vos raced toward him, Dooku didn’t flinch. Vos wasn't raised, Dooku was lowered. Sidious can definitely abuse it against him but fodder would be someone like Kenobi. Ah, no. Dooku had been reckoned one of the foremost duellists in the Jedi Order, second only to Master Yoda. I’m not saying that Dooku would beat Sidious 1v1, but it wouldn’t at all be an instant stomp in Sidious’s favor as you’re implying. in shows/movies, that feat was very good and yoda couldn't counter it heck yoda struggled lifting a pillar and x wing. Based on what? Dooku attacked with reckless abandon fueled with hatred. Faster than she had ever seen him move before, even when she had pressed him on Dathomir, Vos twisted, and her blade slid off his. He was like fire, Ventress like smoke. The only way he could be two tiers above Maul is if you for some reason consider legends Maul a low 7 and think Vaapad amped Mace (Legends) is a 9. You keep bringing up Dooku using external means to escape as evidence that he's not close to the people he was fighting, when that makes positively no sense. Dooku is probaby comparable enough to not be ragdolled, but Sidious can still break through his force wall without much trouble. Dooku has demonstrated that he can contend with Yoda, who is factually Sidious' equal, saying that Dooku couldn't hope to do as well as either of them is baseless. Just because he trash-talks doesn’t mean he isn’t trying. Not necessarily. You claimed it seemed like Yoda was holding back against Dooku, meaning he didn't really need to get serious.". Shattered, Ventress rolled out of the way as he leapt at her, bringing up her blade in a frantic parry as he forced her around the corner. Among the other Jedi, perhaps only Mace Windu would have been his equal on neutral ground: but here on Vjun, steeped in the dark side, his bladework was malice made visible -- wickedness cut in red light.". The OP states Sidious will be toying and being his usual cocky self to begin with. To think n't really need to get serious. `` a character on. 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