Without shitting his pants, would he have killed so many in Yemen? I would have had him stay in the office sick bathroom around that time so he could defecate in the toilet so he didn't have to soil his pants each day...  there have been students who have had these issues stemming sometimes from child abuse, but also sometimes from dietary issues or medicine issues. As the story goes, Seagal went out and went #1 and #2, in his pants. ... My particular solution was to sit down with him and explain that pooping his pants is bad for everyone else, and nobody wants to deal with it. No data is shared with Facebook unless you engage with this feature. My boyfriends son is 10 years old and still poops his pants as well, I'm getting frustrated with it because i thought he was just lazy, after reading on this site today, i am hoping to get him help. Student No. UCAS uk application- How do I enter my U.S. grades? the parent putting him in the pull-up? Andy Armavir (Russia) November 27, 2020 at 6:32 pm Mr.Duff, i just regret that your country have changed a … Please give me some insight...the boy is 9 years old, in the 3rd grade and physically healthy. Soiling is when a child regularly poos their pants. Two dozen students in … Official Dentistry 2021 Applicants' Thread! HubPages® is a registered Service Mark of HubPages, Inc. HubPages and Hubbers (authors) may earn revenue on this page based on affiliate relationships and advertisements with partners including Amazon, Google, and others. I suggest having him talk to a counselor, it sounds like he could greatly benefit from it.Have people talked with him about it before? if it takes that long in your school system to find an answer, I would encourage his family to see their doctor. We may use remarketing pixels from advertising networks such as Google AdWords, Bing Ads, and Facebook in order to advertise the HubPages Service to people that have visited our sites. I'm not a counsellor or an expert in these matters. He took on myralax for daily for 1 year, we used behavior charts, we punished, we prayed and we cried. As the story goes, LeBell set the choke up, Seagal said “Go” and Seagal promptly went. No one at the school or after school program seems to notice. Or walk up to him in class and very privately say "Isn't it time to poop your pants?" When I was about 11 I had a hard time and I started having accidents and i went to this school for disabled kids and one day I was in maths and I felt like I needed to wee really bad but the teacher said no when asked then 15 minutes later I wet my pants and my school is set into 2 parts one for years reception 1 and 2 then the older kids and after the accident I went to the nurse ad she picked me up and put me on the changing mat and put a Nappy on me. Some articles display amazon products as part of the Amazon Affiliate program, this pixel provides traffic statistics for those products, This is a data management platform studying reader behavior. I got frustrated last time, and I … At some point Seagal announced that due to his Aikido training, he was immune to chokes. I didn't know that....hopefully we will have some answers before the end of the school year..... Did you know that serial killers and most other psychotic behaviours are created by the environment and society around the growing child. Nappies at night - how normal is it at 8 years old? Any new people living in your house? His teacher is Having him assessed would be good though because it could give reason for an investigation of the parents etc. Hopefully this has been resolved and that boy has regained his dignity. According to various news sources, a 9 year old boy is bullied at school for carrying a "My Little Pony" backpack. And said I would have to clean it up after the lesson and I couldn’t go and get any spare clothes until dinner time break. Some articles have YouTube videos embedded in them. The first time I thought … read more This is in itself more of a prurient and snicker-worthy little story. there should be a school counselor who can help with this boy and his parents. Environment and society....a mess...only a few (if any) escape unscathed. 4 4. Do you think it is fair for secondary schools to lock thier Toilets?? My 5 year old daughter just switched from preschool to kindergarten earlier this week. Do you agree with this premise? Also if it's around the same time every day the teacher should announce to him, okay it's your bathroom time and walk him there and wait till his usual time would have passed. I need help on how to go about this bathroom situation. We have a brilliant team of more than 60 Support Team members looking after discussions on The Student Room, helping to make it a fun, safe and useful place to hang out. No data is shared unless you engage with this feature. Copyright © 2021 HubPages Inc. and respective owners. I remember it was in a maths class immediately after lunch. For more information on managing or withdrawing consents and how we handle data, visit our Privacy Policy at: https://maven.io/company/pages/privacy. And it sounds like it's mom he is controlling if she's the one who cleans him every time. did a doctor recommend this? Watch his face and body language while you talk to him. The top story in the 6pm news in Springfield, MO yesterday has everyone fired up! 1 in Class 1-A. Hoping for answers one day is more of an indictment of the society around the kid rather than any issue with the kid himself. If YOU ARE A JAMAICAN, DO YOU FEEL THAT YOU ARE AFRICAN? The system is waiting to test him but until that time....the teacher has to suffer...the other students don't know the extent of the issue, they just think he is passing gas. You can personalise what you see on TSR. She makes him clean his pants in the toliet and clean himself up! 9 year old is bullied over carrying a "My Little Pony" backpack, Would you rather be the dumbest kid in the smart class, or the smartest kid in t. Anyone got a "worst story ever" about education? To make matters worse, they wouldn't let her clean herself up and instead gave her a trash bag to wrap around her waist. - Canadian student applying through UCAS, Consultation launched for GCSE and A-level assessments in 2021. I have had a few of these children in my home and this boy is probably very traumatized. I had to walk to the medical room with everyone so everyone in the hall way saw what had happened super embarrassing. To wear drynites (nappies) on a school trip because of bedwetting? Wow. ... pull his pants down, and drop a huge load on the guy’s windshield. This is used to provide data on traffic to our website, all personally identifyable data is anonymized. Citing that the backpack itself was the trigger... Would you rather be the dumbest kid in the smart class, or the smartest kid in the dumb class? I'm not sure what waiting to be assessed means either, schools and their employees tend to be a little slow to respond in circumstances concerning the well being of children, rest assured if it was a child causing problems in a classroom that kid would be doped up so fast it would make our heads spin!Gotta watch out for the welfare of teachers at all costs!You could always take the kid to the shitter at 9:58, just a thought. I think IzzyM and rebekahELLE have given a good solution to the immediate problem - Allow him the opportunity to attend to his toileting needs prior to the problem time - have his Mum arrive at 9.30 and take care of this. Posted by 1 month ago. Please help me help my child. If he, at any time, responds oddly, go with your gut and report your concerns to the proper people. This is used to identify particular browsers or devices when the access the service, and is used for security reasons. Especially the time the teacher wouldn’t let me go in maths (this happened in year 10) so I ended up peeing all over my chair. he also don't mind the smell and the dirtyness of it, he don't try to hide it, but will lie about it being him, he tries to blame his … When I got to age 13 I wore training pants and I still do now. He has been defecating in his pants around 10am everyday since October. I know that sometimes getting assessments done for a student can take time, but surely it doesn't take months. Home; News. Sources: dangerousminds.net, usweekly.com, eonline.com, youtube.com Ranked 14th during the Quirk Apprehension Test. His older sister has a learning disability. Unless you are signed in to a HubPages account, all personally identifiable information is anonymized. Germany Implements Stricter Mask Rules To Slow Covid Spread. Another (Same peeing) had kudney stones (very young)The boy (defecating) was suffering some sort of trauma and his body was responding to his need for attention from a family whose focus was not one him. We have been to two specialists and a behavior therapist. The first thing that jumped into my mind is a suspicion that this boy may be abused. One solution might be to have someone else do cleanup. The first time I thought that he may not be able to control it, because I have had students before with compacted colons. The teacher made me stand up walk outside the class whilst pee was still dripping of my pants leaving a trail behind me. We're so reserved!! ... Straight A+ Student Surprised Teacher By Giving His Bonus Points To Students With Lowest Test Score. Ever had the misfortune of Wetting Yourself at school.. Did you ever wet yourself in primary school? If he doesn't know, ask him a few general questions: Do you feel okay? This is a cloud CDN service that we use to efficiently deliver files required for our service to operate such as javascript, cascading style sheets, images, and videos. I hate to say this but I went to school with a similar case many years ago. I had another hour of lessons so I went back and left a huge wet patch on the chair and left a bad smell of pee behind. Please Help! It was like a waterfall pee ran down the chair leaving a huge poudle on the floor and my chair. He is repeating Kindergarten and is 7 years old. Some articles have Vimeo videos embedded in them. I'm certainly not an expert either, but wonder if it's some sort of control issue, either physically or emotionally. Does your stomach hurt or feel funny? The most embarrassing thing was the A’s soon as I started to pee the whole class was watching and I couldn’t stop. I can remember a few times where I wet my pants in front of the whole class. Sports Festival First-Year Stage. Why do Chinese women generally make the best wives? I am not sure what the home changes are...but, the thought of physical or sexual abuse is something that should be looked into....there is so much red tape involved that it is hard to get professional assistance beyond trained school personnell.....Thanks for responding. 806 8067 22 Registered Office: International House, Queens Road, Brighton, BN1 3XE I'm just a mum who was once a kid herself, but there is something seriously wrong with this kid.I can only assume that he got made such a fuss of the first time it happened that he chose to repeat the experience? He is showing distress, but it could also be a loss, not necessarily abuse.This is a child method of showing control. Etc, etc, etc.A 9 year old will, typically be very honest. It will get boring. Since starting she has been pooping her pants every day. I agree, Something needs to be done. My 11 yr old poops his pants. Instead, let the bizarre troglodyte Jerry Nadler pinch a loaf in his pants in public during a congressional press event, in front of a slew of reporters, and it isn’t even reported on. He has been in the same school for the last 3 years, is known to the teachers and administrators, has not displayed any negative, has been a good kid from the beginning.We know that there have been some changes in the household and think that this may be the reason for his present behavior. She has to make it her idea for him to defecate, not his. He later came out and said the story was a joke, and that he avoided the draft through a student deferment. The second part of our strategy was to have our son take responsibility for pooping in his pants when he clearly understood (which he did) that it was not okay. My first day in a middle school class, two of the kids had knives, a couple were making out at the back of the room, one kid was standing on a desk ,and another proceeded to tell me every dirty word he could think of. King's College London A101 EMDP 2021 Entry, University of Southampton A100 (BM5) 2021 Entry, Official Cambridge Postgraduate Applicants 2021 Thread, Official Cambridge 2021 Applicants thread Mk II. When was the last time you wet or pooed yourself?? Then it was the school rule that if you have accidents you spend the rest of the day with the younger kids and also there isn’t any toilets there so if you needed it then you told them and they change your nappy and I felt so weird with a nappy on doing stuff with the younger kids. This service allows you to sign up for or associate a Google AdSense account with HubPages, so that you can earn money from ads on your articles. Three cases between elementary and high school and the evaluation showed problems that desperately needed to be addressed. If the child never had problems before, the problem likely comes from whatever change was in the home. 14-Year-Old … You may feel angry or frustrated when your child keeps pooing themselves. His mom will come and change him and has recently started sending him in pull-ups.The system is waiting to test him but until that time....the teacher has to suffer...the other students don't know the extent of the issue, they just think he is passing gas. Call him to your desk after class when no one else is around. PLAINFIELD, New Jersey (WABC) -- Police in Plainfield say a 27-year-old man defecated in his pants so that officers would not place him under arrest over the weekend. He is not a malfunctioning machine he is a kid in trouble. We still do not have answers. GSCA Presentation Pooping in the Pants 4 SCENERIO Joey, a 6 yr. old has been sent to the school clinic again, he is surrounded by an aura of foul fecal odor. This is a cloud services platform that we used to host our service. So, I know that she has not embarresed him in front of the other students. Did you know this is one of the major signs there is a serial killer in the making. We partner with Say Media to deliver ad campaigns on our sites. I presume that the teacher has have the school counselor speak with him, which is what should be done, but I am not sure if she has done this. This is used to provide traffic data and reports to the authors of articles on the HubPages Service. Elementary school students are forced to drop their pants so staff can inspect their underwear after poop was found on gym floor. What do you mean he is   "waiting to be assessed"   this amounts to everyone standing around discussing him while he is screaming for help! We may use conversion tracking pixels from advertising networks such as Google AdWords, Bing Ads, and Facebook in order to identify when an advertisement has successfully resulted in the desired action, such as signing up for the HubPages Service or publishing an article on the HubPages Service. This is used to collect data on traffic to articles and other pages on our site. he needs help now.good luck! But they are not doing it on purpose and may not even realise it's happening. I was not his teacher last year, but I was told he didn't have this problem last year. I know that his teacher is very considerate of her students feelings and self respect. When they can't control anything else in their life they can control their own body. Jerry poops his pants in class and he puts on clothes and says he's the new student named "Brian". Method of showing control that long in your school system to find an answer, i would encourage family! 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